Fighting their way clear, the Primarchs reunited with their gene-sons outside of the city, and in council with the Great Khan's Stormseers they determined that the entire world was under some manner of xenos domination, one born not of physical reality, but of the other-realm of the Warp. But, really, that's the normal common sense that should be applied in any large city. Every eye was fixed upon the command dais. He lowered the shields on his flagship, daring the Emperor to teleport over and face him in battle. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available from The shade explained to the Khan what had occurred recently on the devastated world, that it was their father's vengeance for his hubris, for daring to break the Emperor's edicts. During this time, Arvida could barely hold back back the ravages of the Thousand Sons' mutational Flesh-Change, and each time he utilised his innate psychic abilities, his genetic curse threatened to overwhelm him completely. He explained that there was nothing inherently evil about a psyker. The tale of the Pale Emperor is known to very few. In truth, there may be no single cause of the bad blood between the two present-day Chapters, but the mere mentioning of several battles are sure to raise the ire of Raven Guard and White Scar alike. His brother Sanguinius was more subtle in his support. They were merciless and sometimes cruel on the attack and often seen as insolent or fractious, but such rumours were founded on misunderstanding. He was found by Ong Khan, the chieftain or khan of a small tribe called the Talaskars, who saw the young Primarch as a gift from the gods. Jaghatai's closest relationships with his brother Primarchs were with Horus Lupercal of the vaunted Luna Wolves Legion and Magnus the Red of the Thousand Sons. And he had found them. The shadow of domination. More blows came in -- hard, heavy, earth-shaking blows. The Brotherhood of the Storm followed their commander into the corridors beyond. During the Siege of Terra, the only thing that kept him from leveling the palace to the ground was Horus dying, thus causing the Sons of Horus to retreat, leaving the Iron Warriors outgunned and exposed. Through the rituals and traditions of the Chogorian hill tribes, they became the White Scars that day, their loyalty to the Khagan and each other secured by the trials of blood and pain they had undergone and the oaths they had sworn. When the end finally came, when Horus died at the hands of the Emperor aboard his Battle Barge Vengeful Spirit in orbit above Mankind's homeworld, the White Scars emerged from the fires of galactic civil war bloodied, but alive. It is thought that Alpharius' old bond with Horus is what influenced him to side with the traitors during the Horus Heresy, though as always Alpharius' true motives are shrouded in mystery. Some 40,000 cells fall off your skin every hour but, sometimes, those dead cells clog up a pore. Fulgrim taking up the daemon-possessed Silver Blade. The White Scars are a formerly Loyalist First Founding Space Marine Legion of Heretic Astartes who are wholly dedicated to the service of the Chaos God Slaanesh, the Prince of Pleasure, though they were originally the proud V th Legion of the Legiones Astartes. Being such a perfectionist in all fields is what led him to brutally decimate his own legion upon gaining command, as they had not already proven themselves better than all the other legions in every way. Jaghatai's contribution to the development of the Space Marines psychic arts was never known by the other Legions or the rest of the Imperium. Drive them out, and rule would pass to the uncorrupted, the healthy. It was hunting, and in a way that he understood: cavalry charges across open spaces, going up against prey that had no concept of capitulation or self-pity. The spectres kept materialising, bursting into ghoulish life from all directions, spilling out of the air. Shiban leapt from cover and beckoned his warriors into the fray. Where it's hinted that the White Scars Primarch, Jaghatai Khan, is being held captive, and that the Ultramarines will be going to provide aid. Facing it full-on, Jaghatai doubted that any of his brothers, save perhaps Ferrus Manus, could have matched it. Instead he would only tell him this -- the Vth Legion was the ordu of Jaghatai, and none bore their blades in it save by his word. From among those of his warriors who had acquitted themselves well in the battle, Jaghatai Khan chose three to act as his ambassadors to the enclave's ruler, exemplars of the Primarch's Legion and fitting to carry his words, a symbol of both his respect for a worthy foe and of the strength which backed his pledge. See Horus Heresy for tropes applying to that series, and the Horus Heresy: Age of Darkness Gaiden Game, which isn't mentioned in the main tabletop game. Hasik ordered a Vox-link to be opened with the flotilla, and to prevent any of their vessels from opening fire on them. The Vth Legion had been ordered to ignore all other claims on their fealty, in particular those of the Warmaster Horus, who had been declared Traitor to the Emperor along with any other Legion answering his summons. All White Scars vessels were ordered not to escalate the situation and not to fire upon the interlopers unless fired upon. It comprises but two parts, a cut and a name. In true Tzeentchian style, Magnus double-crossed him by arranging for said world to undergo Exterminatus at the hands of the Space Wolves before he could finish claiming it. The grand gathering of Primarchs and commanders and Battleships and officials at the Triumph of Ullanor dispersed, setting course for a thousand destinations and making the Warp light up with the trails of their passage. Reports streamed in -- there was disorder on many vessels now as both factions vied for control of their respective vessels. Jaghatai and twelve of his Terminator-armoured bodyguard, the keshig, teleported down to the unstable surface of Prospero. The Khan coldly noted that Hasik had been aware that he would return when he launched his coup. For a moment he said nothing, but faint clicks from his helm gave away the attempts he was making to contact the White Scars warships in orbit. He was proven right a year after winning this holy war, when the Emperor arrived to accept Lorgar's oaths of service. No one, not even the Emperor Himself, spoke for the Great Khan. Beyond lay the approaches to the strategium and bridge. After he managed to guide the White Scars' fleet closer to Terra, Arvida finally succumbed to the effects of the Flesh-Change and was rendered unconscious. Qin Xa strode over to him, his own weapons drawn, but Hasik did not get up. They were becoming obsolete, unnecessary to the empire that was to be; the Khan of Khans knew it and it made him restless. The reality was that the White Scars were always the last to know what was happening in the wider galaxy. Wracked by pain and festering with corruption, Mortarion's superhuman resilience left him unable to die, and in agony he promised his legion's soul to any who would deliver him. The Dark Glass, like its counterpart on Terra, could access the Webway through the use of a central throne controlled by a psyker of enormous power to operate. Both requested to construct the defenses of the Imperial Palace, but the Emperor chose Dorn over Perturabo as the Emperor did not consider BUILDING defenses to be Perturabo's job. Jaghatai Khan confronted him there, armour slick with the blood of the slain and coated in the ashes of his empire. If Magnus yet lived then everything could be salvaged. No one could have accused him of being a sorcerer. Though Arvida seriously contemplated becoming a part of a Legion once more, he eventually refused -- he would would remain, always and forever, a Son of Magnus and a loyal servant of the Emperor. Yesugei argued that human psykers should be trained rigorously to take advantage of their innate abilities in order to assist the Imperium in completing its galaxy-spanning conquest. And received a just as good, though shorter, In-game, a World Eaters player in any phase can spend six Blood Tithe points to revive Angron if he has been killed in the game, putting him into reserves with 8 wounds remaining on his model. Turns out Dorn killed Omegon and Alpharius is still very much alive. The fleet mustered once more, holding position in loose formation, just as it had done at Chondax. When he overcame the orbital defences of the Ork Warlord Overdog Mashogg, which had stymied attacks by both the Space Wolves and the White Scars, he was credited by historians only as a nameless "comrade-in-arms". Some of the Warp-translated messages bore chrono-marks from many solar months previously; some had been sent, it seemed, only solar hours previously. Torghun did the same -- exhorting those about him into a typically dogged defence. It was also known that the White Scars did not get along well with the Space Wolves Legion. A major star system like Prospero ought to have had thousands of ship-spores hanging in the void, the chemical residue of void engine release, but the routes inbound from the Mandeville Warp point were sterile. He manages to trap the whole Crusade in the Maelstrom and Kairos Fateweaver temporarily imprisons Guilliman. Such ceremonies have been employed for centuries as tools to enforce solidarity and loyalty among the most brutal of warrior societies, those tasked with the most onerous of duties and the harshest of sacrifices. During this time, Arvida had also begun to experience the mutational effects of his Legion's gene-curse, known as the "Flesh-Change.". Warriors looked up from their duels, seeing the ravaged armour of their Primarch again as he strode up to the throne, as if realising only then the depths to which they had sunk in his absence. He did not attend because he was sent away to the Chondax System, just as the Council was preparing to meet at Nikaea. They would seize the initiative and oppose this madness before it could seize hold of their entire Legion. After the Siege of Terra failed, Mortarion led his forces into the Eye of Terror and was rewarded for his service with elevation to daemonhood, ruling over a plague world he shaped into a miserable mockery of Barbarus. Sometimes clogged pores are small and result in "whiteheads or blackheads.". His face was the same, though the expression was infinitely weary, and a little distracted. Enraged, Mortarion backed away, Silence crackled into life, sparking with green-tinged energy. Mortarion the Death Lord, Primarch of the Death Guard Legion, arrives upon Prospero. Or did he also plan to keep the Khagan away until the fleet was secure in his hands? weren't exactly paragons of sanity themselves, a vision of him and many of his brothers being forgotten by a dystopic Imperium, the influence of the Chaos Gods slowly made him lose sight of this, accidentally summons a daemon that destroys a huge portion of the library, the whole thing may have been made up by the Alpha Legion to sow misdirection, whether or not either of them is still alive. The Khan flung Hasik's body aside. Once Novator Achelieux had been found, he led the White Scars to the Catallus Warp rift, where hidden amongst its turbulent Warp eddies was a long, crystalline void station. "So the choice has been made.". He was master of a Legion of vagabonds, a situation that might have sat less well with others of his brethren, but was a challenge well-suited to the Great Khan's talents and history. None can say what befell the primarch -- if he was lost in the Warp or if he was slain or captured at the hands of an alien warlord -- but the White Scars believe he still hunts across the galaxy, and beyond, in pursuit of his greatest foes. Magnus had tried to warn the Emperor. Who would have been there but was dismissed for trying to usurp Horus. The secrets hidden within their reactor hearts were jealously guarded by the lords of the Red Planet and shared with no one outside the privileged circles of the elect. This was Mortarion's great project. The new Primarch was given command of the XV Legion, whose numbers had been depleted following outbreaks of mutation and psyker abilities. Though there were no life signs detected, the Khan could not shake the feeling that he heard a distinct buzzing sound. Slowly, grindingly, Jaghatai Khan hefted Hasik off the ground one-handed, pulling him upwards until their faces were level. Some amongst the Khan's command were a part of the Warrior Lodges, a closed fraternity of warriors that existed outside of the Space Marine Legions' formal structure. The Great Khan upon his command throne aboard his flagship Swordstorm, with Zadyin Arga Targutai Yesugei at his side. Hasik gave the order to repel boarders. At the end of the Great Crusade Warmaster Horus fell to Chaos, and eight of his fellow Primarchs followed him against the Emperor, resulting in a full-scale civil war known as the Horus Heresy. Beneath the archway was a void pulsing with the raw power of the Warp, and from it was emerging a vast and bloated form, a distended central sac replete with thrashing pseudopods and dozens of too-knowing eyes. Their movements remained cagey, as if they wished to do nothing more than hold the impasse for as long as possible. Treatments include medication, freezing, injections, lasers and surgery. A tall figure stood on the far side of the annihilated phantasms. Staggering away from the creatures, the other warriors did not respond immediately. He had even told the Khan on Ullanor. Jaghatai ordered his fleet to prepare for immediate departure from Chondax. But before his friend Qin Xa died, he told Arvida to do everything in his power to find a cure for the Flesh-Change. Nearly four Terran years later, the White Scars had successfully waged a guerrilla war against the Traitors' supply lines deep in the void. At the time of the Great Crusade, the Chogorian people had managed to restore their technological level in the wake of the Age of Strife to one similar to the pike-and-shot level of the late Renaissance on Old Earth. As long as the Warrior Lodge brothers held onto the capital ships, the others would fall into line. Angron was the first through the breach of the walls of the Imperial Palace, and the last Primarch to leave when the Siege of Terra failed. Shiban's forces pushed up through the narrowing space, gaining ground with every surge. The other choice, no less invidious, was to remain true to their oaths and bound to a slow diminishment. But the Khan was not moved by these demands. As Shiban Khan secretly prepared his Brotherhood to storm the Vth Legion's flagship, the Terran commander Torghun Khan warned Hasik Noyan-Khan that their plan to suborn Shiban's loyalty to their cause had failed. Their leader was the Palatine, and he won all of his battles with this great army. But for now, battle called. But it had worn on the Khan, unravelling his sleep. The Khan instructed his warriors to search for the caves that he knew were under the city. Arvida warned them that it would be difficult. There ends the tale as told by the White Scars, who see it as a testament to the dedication of their Legion and a warning to those who would underestimate their lord or his gene-sons. Despite how much the community puts him on a pedestal, I found him kind of boring. For four decades the Word Bearers hid their new allegiance while subjugating worlds to the Dark Gods and spreading the taint of Chaos throughout the other Space Marine Legions. Inter-fleet communications were shut down and incoming bursts blocked -- the enemy had had their chance to make themselves understood. One did not kill an entire planet without aftershocks. Led by the esteemed Hasik Noyan-Khan, the Warrior Lodge members declared their allegiance to Horus. In the wake of his victory, the Khagan showed mercy to his foes and left their cities untouched. The Khan correctly surmised that Horus had not sent Mortarion, he had come of his own accord, with his own agenda. Try this one from Mario Badescu ( $45, ). His improvements in technology and efficiency reversed Chemos' decline so that it finally produced more than it consumed, allowing a renaissance of arts and culture. Those companies assigned to the deepest systems of the Circle fought alone and unsupported for almost three Terran years before the remainder of the Legion secured the outer regions. Then the Thousand Sons Sergeant Arvida cried out, as he conjured lightning that slammed into the insectoid bodies of the creatures. He led the Keshig away from the danger of the ravenous Warp-spawned insects. As he ran across the bridge he was shot multiple times by stray bolt rounds. Falling for a long distance, the Primarch came to a sudden halt. The keshig master had been right -- there was nothing left on Prospero. After Horus' defeat, the increasingly unhinged Night Haunter battled on against overwhelming odds until he was tracked down by a Callidus agent on the world of Tsagualsa. His lone eye did not focus -- in the past, its focus had been remorseless. Its exact details are lost to the casual embellishment and adaption by the White Scars who still spin the tale, but a truth can be learned from the core of it, which remains a constant no matter which of the Brotherhoods recalls the story. I'll post a link below. The Sons of Alpharius were manipulators -- they wanted the White Scars to hear from Dorn. As the Khagan decided on his Legion's next move, the Alpha Legion cordon remained intact, its smooth unity broken only by minor adjustments to the twin defensive lines. Commanders still use the title Warmaster but are aware of its sordid history, the. A man is corruptible and fallible. As the argument over the use of such abilities came to a head in the Imperium, there were those who understood that the survival of the Space Marine Legions' Librarius was balanced on a narrow ledge. Now, like everything else, they had been reduced to ghosts -- remnants of the living horrors they had been. Ease symptoms of itch and pain. They went as warily as he, and their bone-white armour made them look like ghosts in the dark. The warriors of the Vth Legion were to maintain perimeter integrity and not to permit Alpha Legion spacecraft to penetrate within range of the core White Scars fleet. Blood flew in straggling splatters, trailing across both combatants and staining their armour. Jaghatai, even as a young child, was the greatest warrior of the tribe and gathered Talaskar troops to avenge the death of his father. Jaghatai Khan was ever to be found on the move, always where he was least expected and always at that critical locus that would decide the fate of battles and empires. Jaghatai Khan (pronounced Jagg-a-tie KAAN),also known as "The Great Khan," "the Khagan" and "the Warhawk," was theprimarch of the V Legion of Space Marines, the White Scars, who led them through the years of the Great Crusade and the Horus Heresy. People automatically assumed that they were savages, and were no better than the barbarous warriors of Leman Russ that hailed from the Death World of Fenris. All existing Space Marine Librarians were likewise forbidden to make use of their abilities. He never understood how much fear he caused. Horus cracking under the weight of his position, being mortally wounded and seeing visions of a horrific future. It's also said that Horus wanted this and welcomed it. Back aboard his ship, the Kaljian, Shiban Khan was unable to sit idly by. Their cousins amongst the Space Wolves, the Rune Priests of Fenris, worked the same source for their elemental powers, though they would never openly admit it. But it had all gone wrong. It is said he had a "fire in his eyes," the sign of a great warrior among the nomads. Many of Shiban's warriors were caught in the conflagration and were ripped apart by the hail of Bolter-fire. Everything had changed so quickly, garbled in a flurry of contradictory astropathy and secure comm-bursts: Russ of the Space Wolves had gone rogue; or the Warmaster had, taking several Legions with him; the White Scars were ordered to reinforce the Alpha Legion at the Alaxxes Nebula; Ferrus Manus had killed the peacock Fulgrim; Mars and the Mechanicum was in open revolt against the Emperor. Behind them all stood Horus, the Lord of Primarchs. However, Magnus added that the Khan had never had to make the bargains he had subscribed to, and the Vth Legion had never been compromised by the Warp as the Thousand Sons had been to ensure their survival against the threat of constant mutation. The Alpha Legion, for some unknown reason, wanted the White Scars to return to Terra and aid in its defence from whomever the real Traitors were. But this was how Hasik repaid the Khan, with betrayal and fire, and so the impertinent warrior would be struck down for his hubris. The arrival of the Emperor and His armies upon Medusa caused great fear and suspicion amongst the clans, but Ferrus Manus was unafraid. The Ruinous Powers waited and they watched, and they realised what the Primarchs had not -- that only the Primarchs could destroy the Primarchs. That same night, his Legion razed the unnamed city to ruin. Unlike the brutal sons of Angron or the wild wolves of Fenris, the White Scars did not lack in discipline, and though they wore the cloak of the savage, they were not the same wild killers as those more infamous of their kin. A pair of White Scars Battle-Brothers on a two-man Attack Bike slay Traitor Marines during the retaking of the Lions Gate Spaceport. All around him his brothers did the same, sprinting ahead to run the enemy down. It had been a slim hope -- Jemulan did not have quite the same reputation as Hasik and had not been with the Legion from the start. These lodges had already made their choice. The Imperium was willfully blind, deliberately so. Curze spent months torturing Vulkan to try to break his will. He felt as though moving, even by a fraction, might break what remained. An opportunity soon presented itself when the White Scars discovered the Kalium Gate, an ancient Warp Gate that dated back to the Dark Age of Technology and had long been abandoned since the Age of Strife. Manipulated and betrayed first by the Traitor Legions, and then by the Imperium, the Ultramarines now stand defiantly against both great powers. So the Khan and the Angel agreed to create a strict structure for the use of psychic powers, a structure intended to limit what psykers were allowed to do. The moment had finally come, and so, they moved as one, silently and efficiently. Angron losing all of his friends to a slaughter, because his father was only interested in saving him. He had only been able to go down, despite several attempts to find a route back to the surface. Their father's time was over -- the Khan could either be a part of the new order that replaced him or be swept aside in its wake. It was the same choice he himself had once offered to the tribes and cities of Chogoris, and even when it was cloaked in pomp and ceremony, the Khan of Khans understood what the Emperor's offer meant: to live as His vassal or perish as His rival. The best Imperial naval officers could not have performed such a manoeuvre in less than five solar minutes, and it would have required hundreds of course-correction warnings and solar hours of preparation to bring off. The Legion was commanded by its Primarch Perturabo as an extension of his . As the Primarchs continued to fight, the Khan actually felt himself begin to tire. His blade kept Hasik in position, bearing his full weight and preventing him from responding. Behind the Khan, the Keshig readied their blades. Magnus argued that it had kept his brother away. The Chogorians had always known of the existence of the Warp and the dangerous entities of Chaos that lurked within. The Thousand Sons supported the other renegades during the Horus Heresy and continue to strike back at the Imperium that cast them out, while the now-Daemon Primarch has nursed a ten-thousand-year vendetta against the Space Wolves. More Traitor starships soon entered the system. Looking at the signals, still on the edge of the system but already moving in close -- three, then four vessels allied to Horus were moving towards the Prospero System. Torghun, like many of his erstwhile lodge brothers, had made their choice a long time ago, years back when the first stirrings of the lodges had come to their ears. Qin Xa stepped in front of the Khan. These warriors he trusted to spread his teaching and to lead by example, to stand as his champions among the Vth Legion as it went to war in his name. No markers, no idents marked them, just sub-Warp signatures and the telltale flicker of Void Shield activation. As the White Scars' vessels began to move, the Alpha Legion reacted. The dream had died. This help content & information General Help Center experience. Indeed, of all of his new brother Primarchs, only Roboute Guilliman and Rogal Dorn objected to the all too brief period of induction that Jaghatai received. The constant rain of arrows from the tribesmen took their toll on the tight ranks of the Palatine's warriors. that are all connected in the 40k universe. Plunge into the enemy's breast like a blade, cut out his heart, and you will know fulfillment. The Khan told Hasik that he knew nothing of the truth. A White Scars Astartes is always willing to face the xenos foes of Mankind. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. He never actually bothered to ask the Emperor if he and his legion could do something else. If anything, free of the need to maintain a barrage of las-fire, it accelerated. This was the Great Crusade's apex of glory, the last century of the 30th Millennium. Fulgrim soon recovered and embraced Chaos, and mortally wounded Rouboute Guilliman in the aftermath of the Horus Heresy before being driven into the Eye of Terror. He had been so easy to keep out of the conversation. An interesting contest. Then figures clarified within it -- White Scars in Terminator Armour, and a Space Marine Legionary in red armour on his knees from exhaustion. Of the others there is little recorded, possibly as there were few occasions where the Primarchs gathered in numbers and fewer still where the Khagan was present. The echoing cacophony of Bolter-fire abated. The White Scars' deployment was now a single spearhead. The Khan of Khans did little to dispel his reputation as a crude barbarian and wanton killer, keeping his own counsel and the company of those who cared to see past the veil of rumour that hid the true character of his Legion. These conquests were complete but slow, and the Emperor harshly rebuked the Word Bearers for their unwanted worship, destroying the temple-city of Monarchia, forcing Lorgar and his soldiers to kneel in its ashes, and ordering them to follow the Ultramarines' more secular example. The bridge was covered, locked down, utterly secure. He threw in his lot with Horus, and the Iron Warriors took a grim satisfaction in dismantling the Imperial Fists' defenses during the Siege of Terra. Some art depicts him with a single eye in the middle of his forehead like the, Finally, being red-skinned, one-eyed, and physically imposing despite being a cerebral villain first and foremost is how Islamic eschatology describes the. The Khan had thought back then that they were empty threats, but he should have known better. Until then, there was nothing to do but prepare, restore, and hope that the wounds of the Legion would heal before they faced the Traitors once more. Every starship in the service of the Imperium was different. Whole Crusade in the dark wider galaxy shiban 's warriors were caught in wider..., cut out his heart, and their bone-white armour made them look like ghosts in the wider.! Also said that Horus had not sent Mortarion, he had been remorseless gaining ground with every surge corridors... 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