COOPER: He's been coming here for more than 40 years. THIS COPY MAY NOT BE IN ITS FINAL FORM AND MAY BE UPDATED. What can be done? UNIDENTIFIED MALE: That's going to be reflected at the top among the political appointees, who are more a part of this -- shall we say -- wild west culture where anything goes. But it's just nerve wracking. That's the term they're using. We're just on top of it. GUPTA: As the wetlands manager, he spent the last four years working with the Lake Chad basing commission, a group that's trying to save the lake. Also, I spent the day out there. Arctic temperatures are rising faster than anywhere else on Earth. It also has to continue to do a little bit of damage in that area just where I'm pointing right now. The Associated Press reports California has maxed out its firefighting resources and is asking the federal government for help. THIS COPY MAY NOT BE IN ITS FINAL FORM AND MAY BE UPDATED. It's a fact. None of what's happening is occurring in a vacuum. Beatriz_Gonzalez88 Plus. We want to study this. A $70,000 reward has been announced for information leading to the arrest of whoever may have set that blaze. And maybe in two, three years, this whole area will be just completely washed out. But, after agreeing to an interview with us, he canceled. People are dependent on their water and they are not getting enough. Step up. And the people are stronger than ever, and we do not intend to leave here. That means they won't be out hunting today, killing untold numbers of wild animals. Sand all around me. In fact, we know where they are. GORE: Well, I can't help that, because you went on for a long time. I sailed into the peninsula. 1 In "Planet in Peril," CNN anchor Anderson Cooper, CNN's chief medical correspondent, Dr. Sanjay Gupta, and Animal Planet host and wildlife biologist Jeff Corwin take viewers around the globe for a two-part documentary on the threats to the world's environment. COOPER: Huge. northpointe community church fresno archives. SCHMIDT: This island exists because of global warming. The first two or three years were actually colder than normal. (on camera): Tonight, we begin a place that's warming faster than just about any other place on Earth -- Greenland's ice sheet. We have seen declines in the survival of cubs and we have seen adult males and cubs a little bit smaller in recent years than they used to be. Some of the nearly one million evacuees are getting a look at what's left of their homes this evening. And it's an illustration on the difficulty of deciphering the debate. Support human-caused climate change, Inhofe's thinking goes, and you get more funding. Daniel also tells O'Neill he'll miss SG-1 and then he ascends.] Damages estimates $1 billion, and we're talking about just in San Diego County. The Planet in Peril - Part I. by Rebecca Libauskas. (on camera): Do you think climate change is a hoax? Computer models had one million square miles of it melting by the year 2050. And the diet of people is becoming less balanced. Global sea levels rose about 1.8 millimeters a year in the 20th century. It did exactly the opposite. . They are flying helicopter and planes tonight into the night, trying to get a handle on this fire. He's a native of Niger. So they started going door to door and trying to get the people out. Hi, Anderson. shows global trends, connected through ecosphere. Why? Here's the latest on the California wildfires. CORWIN: Lean back and steer. (END VIDEOTAPE) (COMMERCIAL BREAK) COOPER: I'm Anderson Cooper in Rancho Bernardo, California. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Now because of the understanding of global warming, we believe what is melting in the Arctic or the place where there's ice. 50 terms. Agents get word over the radio there might be an encampment of illegal loggers nearby. Sister Dorothy's death became a symbol, not only for the rain forest, but also for the protection of the people who call it home. (voice-over): You're looking at one of the largest emitters of greenhouse gases in the world, the Amazon rain forest. Here's the latest on tonight's breaking news -- the wildfires. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Here we are suffering. (voice-over): The vast ice sheet of Greenland -- 1,500 miles long and more than a mile deep, the world's largest island. PLANET IN PERIL continues in a moment. Free shipping. A little bit ago in San Diego County, about 200 more people were ordered out of their homes. The reason that we're here is because we hear that this island is sinking. COOPER (voice-over): The world's newest island, discovered because of the world's warming temperature. That is good planning on the part of local officials. Look on the United States, probably the most violent weather on Earth of any large civilized nature -- the number of tornadoes COOPER: Right. What we see is startling, a gray landscape with little marine life. Still, 12,000 people evacuated, waiting to find out the fate of their homes, hoping for the best. PAT MICHAELS, PROFESSOR, UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA: Oh, heck no. He worries that he may no be able to stay much longer. The top of the shoulder. An underground escape from Emperor Ming is blocked by giant reptiles. The Earth's climate has changed much during the planet's history. Trump Sent Chilling Warning from 'Merchant of Death' Freed by Biden: 'Your Life Is in Peril' By Lorri Wickenhauser April 13, 2023 at 5:56pm Former President Donald Trump received a bleak warning last week from an unexpected quarter: Viktor Bout, the Russian arms dealer nicknamed the "Merchant of Death." I'm Anderson Cooper. This is a planet in peril. On the horizon, a small cluster of islands rise up from the sea, a long coral reef wrapping around them. But I would like to (CROSSTALK) INHOFE: No, I have 15 minutes. Finding the roads made by the loggers is easy. The film takes a close look at the world's changing eco-system, focusing heavily on four environmental issues . The unrest and scars, still visible today. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The female cub. BILL WHITE, HOUSTON MAYOR: Nobody has the right to chemically alter the air that somebody else breathes without that person's consent. But is climate change really responsible for what's washing away their world? Anchorage Alaska USA 995071 907-360-4503 We have come here to meet the people of Carteret. It's obvious here. (voice-over) They name Jeff Running Deer. COOPER (on camera): It's all so surreal, I mean, as you look out at the horizon. The National Cancer Institute says that, of the 3,000 plants that fight cancer cells, 70 percent of them are found in the Amazon rain forest. How much, how fast, a matter of debate; but tens of millions will be affected in this century. Usually these channels are up to 20, 30, 40 feet deep. This is the Running Springs fired. PLANET IN PERIL continues in a moment. River Oaks is the area where all the millionaires live. DR. SANJAY GUPTA, CNN CHIEF MEDICAL CORRESPONDENT: We have been trying to get here for a few days now. Strength emerges after landslide's loss. News / By Pangambam S / January 21, 2021 2:15 am. And that's the smoke from L.A. that went out to the ocean and then was brought back in with the east winds turning to west winds. Her mantra: the death of the forest is the end of our lives. Another update in 15 minutes. What's going to happen to you? Overview Blast off into a galaxy of adventure with Starfinder Battles: Planets of Peril! UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The water just knocked them down. But what's causing those changes? Sister Dorothy came to Anapu from her native Ohio in 1983. Scientists call it thermal expansion. It's a global population of polar bears is somewhere between 20, 25,000 animals, why are we today trying to enlist them as an endangered species? So far, flames have burned almost 700 square miles. Climate change is real, and is fast plummeting into "climate chaos" for the Philippines and for the rest of the world. GUPTA: We're going to take you next from a place that suffers not from too much water, but from not enough, Lake Chad. And here on the ice sheet, you can see the impact that temperature increase is having. And remember, if you want to brake, pull the rope up toward you. CORWIN: These guys have all the classic tools of the trade when it comes to poaching wildlife. I'm Anderson Cooper. Well, on the contrary. As the atmosphere warms, the ice here melts and breaks apart, exposing water. He was born here, as were his parents and grandparents. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Yes, OK. We're flying right over it now. brings together the testimony of over eighty visionariestheologians and religious leaders, scientists, elected officials, business leaders, naturalists, activists, and writersto present a diverse and compelling call to honor our individual and collective moral responsibility to our planet.. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: (SPEAKING FOREIGN LANGUAGE) (DOGS BARKING) (END VIDEOTAPE) (COMMERCIAL BREAK) (BEGIN VIDEOTAPE) COOPER (voice-over): In a wooden shack in a remote corner of the Amazon forest, armed men pore over maps and make last-minute plans. CORWIN: So now you feed the rope and it will just slide down like this. She was a powerhouse of decision. STEFFEN: Yes, this is a moulin. to protect the future of a planet in peril? Fifteen fires are burning tonight. As the earth gets warmer, moisture in the atmosphere that used to fall as rain, instead evaporates. What is left is a daily struggle. This is basically the pathway for which the timber comes out. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Right now race and class really determine where you find the good things, like parks and trees, or where you'll find the bad stuff, like waste facilities and power plants. fairbanks ice dogs standings . CORWIN: Clearly, their motivation was a bit more insidious. Unbelievable Washington landslide survival story. S01:E02 - The Monsters of Mongo. And she would, you know, work to make it happen, her way. If the islands were uninhabited, it would simply be another mystery in the natural world. SCHMIDT: That's what you want to look at now. The dry Santa Ana winds have let up. COOPER: More people are born, economies boom. DR. SANJAY GUPTA, CNN CORRESPONDENT: A lot of people live around here and are dependent on this water. But while we were on the way up the mountain, that warning changed, and it turned into an evacuation order. Back on the muddy and rutted roads with Ibama, agents continue to comb the forest for anything that looks out of place. 1978 Topps Battlestar Galactica #24 Leveling a planet. What's not so easy is traveling them during the rainy season. (on camera): That's a glacier over there and these two glaciers used to be connected by an ice shell? STANG: Bring back new life to a land that was lost. CORWIN (voice-over): Amstrup loads the tranquilizer dart into the gun as we circle low over the mother bear to make sure we don't scare her away from her cubs. And that's what's happening to the lake. PLANET IN PERIL, however, continues after this break. Planet in Peril: Yellowstone Wolves Shannon Isenhower 415 subscribers Subscribe 93 Share Save 16K views 5 years ago Excerpt from the 2007 CNN documentary "Planet in Peril." In this segment. If we looked at Earth from outer space, it would appear that our . rapid assessment program. My colleague, Rick Sanchez, is covering one of the two big fires now happening in this area. From the CNN documentary Planet in Peril (2007), clip on animals being bought and sold in the JJ Market in Thailand. She refused, however, to be intimidated. And when we look at these computer models, one of the things we see is that they tend to predict more warming than is occurring. We all are. Crime and unemployment are high. STEFFEN: First, we slept in the station at the beginning. CORWIN: You've got to lean back. Dark red and a planet peril answers on the melt season got to set aside from growth is america Congo on the potomac had hoped for us, it remains controversial topic which the headquarters gave the. It's clear the weather patterns here have changed. COOPER: That was far more unpleasant than it needed to be. Most of those strike teams, as we've seen them working in the area with the battalion commander. He says they're angry and scared by what's happening. 22 terms. There are at least 15 active fires tonight. COOPER: Right. He's exploring how a warming planet is impacting the polar bear. GUPTA: I met with one of the island's chiefs, Bernard Tunim (ph). And that's what we see the ice moves faster. INHOFE: This whole idea of global warming is something that has been brought up by certain groups who have a lot to benefit from it, and has nothing to do with real science. Her future is at best uncertain. Global warming might be causing a slight rise in sea levels, but its largest effect here is damage to the coral reefs that protects these islands. Most often, it's: "Well, look, it's cheaper to have plants in this neighborhood than it is anywhere else in this very expensive city." It reached that level this year. Police used a reverse 911 calling system to order hundreds of thousands to leave their homes. It's springtime here, though nothing is green. COOPER (voice-over): The World Conservation Union says the Amazon is home to nearly 1,000 threatened species of plants and animals. COOPER (voice-over): And a pack of hunting dogs. Amstrup has been studying the polar bear for the past three decades. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Put the noose there. R. MARROQUIN: It was a stinky neighborhood, but we'd gotten so used to it that we don't know. CORWIN: It's just absolute, utter devastation and destruction. And if the sea ice continues to decline as it has, it's going to affect polar bears. COOPER (voice-over): We're here to see something extraordinary -- Greenland's retreating ice has revealed a new island. DR. SANJAY GUPTA, CNN SENIOR MEDICAL CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): It's 114 degrees, and we're stuck in Central Africa. That was the beginning of the movement discovery, where I realized something was wrong. CORWIN: Just in the Amazon basin alone, it's 2.7-million square miles of habitat, and roughly 70 percent of that is right here in this extraordinary country, in the country of Brazil. This reef is dying, which means less protection from storms and fewer fish to eat. Just days later, these two men confess to the murder. (on camera): But you still are optimistic, despite everything that we talked about this today, that water is going to cover all this once again? These small planes, they measure the wind velocity. Commentary: Animal agriculture's 'water footprint' is putting the planet in peril. But is it a crisis or hype? Brazil is the number one soy producer in the world. As hunters, gatherers, and farmers, the Kraho rely on the rain forest for food, water, shelter, everything. S01:E01 - A Planet In Peril. I think the warming that we are seeing is at -- definitely at the low end of the projection range. Guide | Transcript Transcript PREVIOUSLY ON STARGATE SG-1 [Scenes from Summit where Yu objects to Anubis being made a System Lord. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: This island exists because of global warming. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We're destroying nature's natural regulators. The question is, why? CORWIN: These gentlemen have been very, very busy. Planet in peril chemicals and Greenland. They tell police they were paid $25,000 by ranchers, who wanted Sister Dorothy out of their way so they could continue illegally logging the rain forest. They have the most success hunting seals in a 20 to 50-mile gap of water between coastland and ice. Primitive, but they figured out how to keep the bread maker working. But those in Qualcomm Stadium are still worrying about those homes. COOPER: If the sea levels, by the models that we have now, are going to rise three feet in the next hundred years, can that be reversed still? Look at this dry, cracked, parched earth. He tells us we're the first journalists to dive the reef. COOPER (voice-over): A projection range based on computer models. They will go out again tomorrow, however, trying to do whatever they can to stop their home and their way of life from disappearing. It's an effort led by IBAMA, Brazil's environmental protection agency. Downing has written four award-winning books on C. S. Lewis, including Planets in Peril, about the Ransom Trilogy; The Most Reluctant Convert, about Lewis's journey to faith; Into the Region of Awe, about mysticism in C. S. Lewis, and Into the Wardrobe, a guide to the . STEFFEN: Yes. But the winds are dying down, and that gives firefighters a chance to possibly gain the upper hand. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Yes, it will. So, really, that's all that is remaining of it now. This journey around the globe is an investigation into the reasons our planet is changing. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You know, the impact is really obvious. It's creating rivers of melt water that carve deep holes in the ice called a moulins (ph). Flames from the Harris fire threatened the power lines. Transcript Audio The United Nations has an alarming assessment of climate change and how countries around the world are not doing nearly enough to slow its damage before it becomes worse. (END VIDEOTAPE) TO ORDER A VIDEO OF THIS TRANSCRIPT, PLEASE CALL 800-CNN-NEWS OR USE OUR SECURE ONLINE ORDER FORM LOCATED AT A worldwide investigation by Anderson Cooper and chief medical . SCHMIDT: They were continuous, yes. Like the earth's climate, the world's oceans have also warmed one degree Fahrenheit. The thickness of the ice in Greenland has been changing over the last few decades. Castro Theatre plan in peril after S.F. 1 s01e06 - Cities Tran script detail David Attenborough: This is the newest habitat on Earth. These men are hunting not just for themselves. President Bush is going to visit the region tomorrow. I do not own, nor do I or intend to profit from this content whatsoever. Credit: CC0 Public Domain. (on camera): And what is the big picture? Arson investigators are on the case and we expect a $50,000 award for information to be announced soon. $1.50 + $1.10 shipping. People also ask. Trees that once stood on the beach are now submerged. There are no winches out here to free our trucks, just the bodies of our entire crew. But Inhofe questions the motives of those who say man is responsible for global warming. Good deal. We are 60 miles from any land, only open waters in every direction. Plants and animals lost forever. The Spirit of Earth, Gaia, is woken from a century-long sleep at Hope Island to discover that Earth is dying because of humans' carelessness in deforestation, pollution, over-hunting, and . You always think of something like that. Alex_Anon. But many of them will come back, unfortunately, to this -- Anderson. (COMMERCIAL BREAK) (BEGIN VIDEOTAPE) STANG: (UNINTELLIGIBLE) COOPER (voice-over): Early February 2005, Sister Dorothy Stang, an American nun from Ohio, leaves a meeting of peasant farmers, whose land she's helping to protect, and walks into the jungle towards her home. The disenfranchised usually bear the bankrupt of environmental degradation. (on camera) Every day Ibama agents go out on patrol and stop anyone they come across and question them about what they're doing in this biological preserve. That's all -- the water that supplies the lake is all coming through here. Planet in Peril: Humanity's Four Greatest Challenges and How We Can Overcome Them. What's going to happen to you? But over the past 40 years, Lake Chad in central Africa has shrunk by 90 percent. Because it is, quite simply, under assault. He's got three machetes. (on camera): So is this island an example of global warming? For one thing, weak laws. (voice-over): Official says more than 1,000 people have died in the past 20 years in battles over the Amazon's resources. At this hour many people are being allowed to return home. Some people say it's climate change. COOPER: A wild west culture where kids like Valentin Marroquin pay the price. Her children were safe; at least, that's what she thought. COOPER (on camera): They said they were just out looking for small animals just to eat. Planet in Peril II. SCHMIDT: This is a peninsula -- it's an isthmus connected to the mainland because of an ice shell. (voice-over): Biologist Jeff Corwin and I have come here to learn why and see what impact Greenland's melting ice sheets could have on all of us in the decades ahead. It actually took five flights leaving from southern China in a helicopter ride, which you just saw. When we come back, the lessons learned. The consensus among scientists is something is different. Dennis chose the name Warming Island. Yes, for the survival of humankind. We came here not with the idea to monitor the abrupt change we currently observe. Schools were closed for a decade. Tens of millions of people will have to be relocated. Arson investigators say one of them, the Santiago fire near Los Angeles, had three points of origin. After filtering, Salmon (v1.6.0) was used to map the reads to the transcriptome followed by transcript quantification for quality control. The shoreline is steadily receding. Even though this land hasn't been cleared, it's going to be affected, and the animals living on it are going to be affected by the fact that there are people living just a few feet away. CORWIN: Our helicopter hugs the ground as we trace the footprints through the snowy expanse over the rubbled ice, until finally we spot them. So is it rising seas or the loss of coral that's causing the Carterets to sink? COOPER (on camera): No one has ever been here? There's no telling what's around each corner. HANSEN: That's another big misconception. CORWIN: That data is part of Amstrup's annual field study. Written by an award-winning historian of science and technology, Planet in Peril describes the top four mega-dangers facing humankind - climate change, nukes, pandemics, and artificial intelligence. This is a lead. GUPTA: They say that the water is actually going to cover this entire island. on Tuesday, Oct. 23, and Wednesday, Oct. 24, from 9 p.m. to 11 p.m. (ET/PT) and globally on. But that's not what is happening today. COOPER (voice-over): In case you're wondering, there is a bathroom. I'm Anderson Cooper. Overpopulation, deforestation, species lost, climate change. (END VIDEO CLIP) COOPER: Electricity is just one of the wild cards here tonight. With dive gear, we head down 60 feet. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: This is what it's all about right here. It's not ready. Nothing occurs in a vacuum in the natural world. And, as we heard from the fisherman himself, he said, water will come. As a matter of fact, you mentioned the Harris fire just moments ago, Anderson. But they can't lock their children inside either. MAN 3065 CHAPTER 9. (END VIDEOTAPE) (COMMERCIAL BREAK) COOPER: Here in Rancho Bernardo, California. About the show. You've seen the front lines, the facts on the ground. Models, you see, also underestimated our changing climate. Thank you. TED ROWLANDS, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Well, Anderson, the battle continues here tonight. They're an indigenous people here in the Amazon rain forest. Elsewhere in the northern hemisphere, animals are slowly . This is the area. (voice-over) Their truck is broken down, and they say they need help. He's taking us to see and actually climb into a part of the landscape that's giving scientists important clues about why the ice is melting so fast. (END VIDEOTAPE) (COMMERCIAL BREAK) COOPER: "Planet In Peril" continues in a moment. Instead, tragically, 2,000 people live here, and they are literally being washed away. We have been trying to get here for a few days now. CORWIN: Very much so. I believe it is. He rejects nearly all of the skeptics' points, from moderate estimates HANSEN: We're talking about several meters of sea level rise if West Antarctica begins to go unstable. COOPER: Dr. James Hansen does not believe scientists are simply chasing funding. Climate change; deforestation; species loss. A park, crowded place. I'm Anderson Cooper. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Yes. They are still burning and still dangerous, but they are moving more slowly. Transcript Providers Return to Transcripts main page Anderson Cooper 360 Degrees Planet in Peril; Child Soldiers in Sierra Leone; Reaction to Britney Spears' Buzz Aired February 19, 2007 -. And what's going on over there is they 're trying to essentially close the door on that fire. We have really got to get started in the next few years, so that we are really on a different path. COOPER: So in the summer months ahead, as the temperature increases, water will actually start flowing through here? It is even very hard. It's taken as many lives in one year as. A quick search turns up a small arsenal. Thanks. (BEGIN VIDEOTAPE) ANDERSON. GUPTA: The people of the Carterets call themselves some of the world's first climb change refugees. He just has one request. The summer rains no longer able to replenish the lake so many people have come to depend upon. They're saying that very few people come to this village, very few outsiders. In America, the discussion seems mired in politics. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Yes. Amstrup aims and then fires the dart. Today, firefighters were out battling on the front lines, using ground crews to get an upper hand, as well. Some are harvested by small farmers eking out a meager living. STEFFEN: We have several sensors at different levels. Here, oil refineries and petrochemical companies pump hazardous pollutants into the air. Why is it happening? STEFFEN: Hi, Terrie. In the distance, the agents spot something suspicious. (on camera): It seems, though, the problem is, once you get out to these remote areas, you can do just about anything. She sends five magic rings Water held in the soil and in lakes is also disappearing. From the air, it's clear the lake is dropping. (on camera): What are these three -- these are tents? Planet Money looks into the recent financial troubles at First Republic Bank. We should not just think for ourselves. Let's check it out. That's exactly what l was gonna tell you. Number of episodes: 3. government protects new species and areas of forest. I'm Anderson Cooper. CORWIN: Not much. (COMMERCIAL BREAK) (BEGIN VIDEOTAPE) CORWIN (voice-over): We are on the heels of a mother polar bear and her two cubs. Download Planet In Peril Worksheet Answers pdf. The problem is, though, just like in Greenland, that ice is melting. 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