Item After their victory, Percy was okay but sore and bruised. Percy noticing Reyna's feelings for Jason Grace, in The Son of Neptune. Percy calms down when he finds out that he wasnt planning to kill him, after Nico said Bianca's soul is worth more than his. Saint Helens. Annabeth takes Percy, Grover, and Tyson along with her. The highest of the hunt shall bring him back, to once again wage war against Gaea's epic wrath. Percy left Apollo in his bathroom and gave him some Ambrosia and Nectar, and some clothes for him to wear. And later, when Percy left to find Nico di Angelo with Jason and Piper, Coach Hedge told them to not take too long, or he would blast them with a ballistae. Throughout the story, we see young Percy trying to make sense of these skills and abilities while also navigating being a child at school. Luke led Percy deep into the woods, and it was only due to Percy using a tiny fraction of his Grace to make his wings appear to any monsters nearby that the two of them were not attacked by any of the creatures that lurked in the woods, as they were scared away by the unknown power source. She tells him that he is nothing like Hercules who had betrayed her before and she is proud he carries the weapon she made before dying. Percy also asked how Piper's arm was after the battle, and Piper said it wad good and that he and Jason did great in the battle. He charged at the giant to help him, but Polybotes blocked him with his Trident. So anyway, when they took me from my unit, and they put me in a little tent there, administration tent, and I said, Well, what am I doing here? They said, Never mind, just sit there. So, they sit there, and I sit there and I sit there and then all Both Dionysus and Percy share a mutual dislike of each other. wiley funeral home granbury miraculous ladybug fanfiction marinette revenge. This is a story about Percy Jackson being crowned as the king of Atlantis. Percy with Tyson, his paternal half-brother. Sea Green He reluctantly agrees and gives them his car. and another reason is that he is used to open, free and wild places like the sea. Leo was also miffed and asked him why he had to destroy the plumbing when he did. The only reason that kept me putting one foot in front of the other was what would happen to me if I stopped. Once they got back to Camp Jupiter, Percy was glad that Hazel was being treated well and as a savior of Rome, and knew that she deserved it. By tricking Phineas, with Gaea's help, Percy is able to take the healing vial, from then on his memories begin to return. He said when he was choking on the poison, he thought about Akhlys and when he poisoned her, how it felt good, and how he would've killed her if Annabeth didn't stop him. He also wanted to live long enough to meet his baby sister, and see his moms novel get published. He is the main protagonist and narrator of the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series, and one of the main characters of The Heroes of Olympus series. Before he left for the quest, Nico found him and asked if he was going on the quest. Your email address will not be published. After Nico and Percy met with Achilles, Nico had second thoughts on Percy bathing in the river, but Percy said it was his idea and to wait for him, and that if he died, he could be the hero of the prophecy. Nico rushed into the Labyrinth again after Minos told him Percy was in danger, showing that he indeed cared about Percy. Carter instantly rushes over, thinking he might have killed Percy, but is hit in retaliation by a huge wave of water generated by the angry demigod. Athena is on neutral, if somewhat unfriendly, terms with Percy. When he finds out about Hades' Sword being stolen, Percy doesn't want anything to do with Hades but Nico wanted to find the sword for his father and didn't want it to fall in Kronos' hands. Riptide Wristwatch Shield (formerly) Percy clapped him on the soldier when they defeated the giants. In The House of Hades, after Iapetus and Damasen are forced to sacrifice themselves, Percy vows to defeat Gaea and avenge them. This story is told from Tony Starks perspective, so you know there will be plenty of snark and attitude throughout the story. Alex said that at least he felt better that time and that he can turn into a dolphin to save him, and Percy was shocked that he could do that. The author uses a different supporting cast of characters in this story than in the original canon. Sally then brought the three cookies, but then said Percy cannot have any unless he comes back safely, and made him promise he would be right back. As for Ronald . Nico asked if he should stop them, and Percy smiled and said no and said to get popcorn ready. Athena, the goddess of wisdom and his girlfriend's mother. Percy dragged the unconscious Grover past a hill, and then passed out himself when he reached the porch of a house. The child of Athena (Daedalus) dies, and so does the Labyrinth. Percy greeted him, and the boys followed a green light further underwater. The North Nova Scotia Highlanders Signal Platoon prior to going overseas, July 1941. Jason and Percy kept in touch, going to monthly Argo II reunion meetings. Percy understood why Reyna would ask him for help after seeing visions of Polybote's army. On his way back, he saw Zo running back with his team's flag and was tripped up by an arrow two feet from the line, allowing the Hunters to win. When Percy was later offered godhood, Ares agreed with it because he could fight Percy anytime he wanted and wouldn't have to worry about killing him. After listening to Percy talk for a bit, Carter starts to realize that Percy isn't a magician and is something completely different, as Percy keeps using words related to Greek mythology. Nico asked if Annabeth was his girlfriend, why he and Thalia fought so much, and other questions, which made Percy want to feed him to the wolves and or strangle him. After about three seconds, I leaned back and shook my head. Heavy Divine attack against a single enemy. However, because it is wild it attacks everyone, not only defeating the skeleton warriors and Thalia and Percy lead it into the woods. Percy had been gone from Camp for two months he had been doing the 12 labours of Hercules for Athena to prove his love for Annabeth to get Athena's approval to marry Annabeth. But in The Mark of Athena, Reyna was slightly jealous of Annabeth when she arrived, mostly due to Reyna's "love curse" by Aphrodite. Percy likes Bianca and thinks that she is cool, laid back, and easy to talk to. Percy is originally mad at Bianca when she joins the Hunters of Artemis, but gets over it quickly. Project, The Memory. After the events of the book, one of the reasons why Nico left Camp again was his sadness of Percy and Annabeth getting together. Once they get out without Nico, Percy and the others run into a quiz show run by a Sphinx. Percy also trusted Coach Hedge enough to give him letters to give to his mother. After asking questions about Annabeth, he gives the son of Poseidon and bracelet of keys and asks him to explain the meaning of Christmas. This is a story that you could easily enjoy again and again. Pretty sure the title says it all. But when the time comes and they realize their mist Percy Jackson x Avengers crossover However, he is presumed dead after fighting the embodiment of Tartarus and ensuring Percy and Annabeth reach the mortal world safely in The House of Hades. He initially resented his father as he felt he had abandoned him and his mother. He complained about his nosebleed that woke Gaea, but Athena told him to not blame himself. Hephaestus to Percy, in The Battle of the Labyrinth. It will affect what you do." He then sacrifices the Nemean Lion's pelt to Poseidon to ensure safe passage for Grover and Bessie back to Camp Half-Blood. He swims out and finds the sea cow trapped in a net and frees it slowly because it was scared of his sword, forcing him to free it by hand. Percy agreed not to go with Jason, since they might kill each other, and agreed to go with Hazel, Frank, and Leo. She blamed the gods for this, but also Annabeth, as she thought it was Annabeth's fault she was alone. As a son of Poseidon, Percy is claustrophobic. Nereus changes into many animals to shake Percy off, but his attempts fail and he eventually agreed to answer their question. On his way back to camp, he sees Nico spying on the Artemis' Cabin and uses Annabeth's cap to follow him. The two parted ways when Percy gave Nico his figurine and they shook hands, and promised to keep in touch. The three then promise to keep it a secret as Percy knows that Nico could also be a child of the Great Prophecy, but instead says that he himself will take the responsibility of the prophecy instead. They are joined by Hera for a short time. Reyna Ramrez-Arellano, his former co-praetor and friend. The Greatest Hero Chapter 1, a percy jackson and the olympians fanfic | FanFiction The ancient hero who received Chaos's grace, shall discover his past and the moon's true face. This story has 27 chapters, and the author has finished writing, so there is a set amount of content for you to enjoy. Grover had been waiting for their appearance. When they take a wrong turn throughout the maze they run into Nico, son of Hades, at the Triple G. Ranch. During their night in Montauk, Percy had a vivid dream. He also explained to Leo that Gaea can pop up wherever she wants. However, the Celedon's song resonates through the earwax and causes mortals to weep in depression. Percy also felt more confident when he collaborated with Jason to defeat their enemies, and felt more capable of solving problems. He was noted to have long, nimble fingers, with Apollo claiming that Percy's hands were perfect for a musician. When Nico saw Hades in Portugal, Hades hinted that he knows about Nico's little crush on him. I said, Are we ready yet, because I want to go where my unit is, Im getting lost. I said, Ill never be able to find them, theyre gone. They said, Just be quiet. And then all of a sudden, again, they said, Youre going to come with us. So they They set off into the woods and stumble on a huge Myrmekes anthill. It is a charming story with many funny and heartwarming moments. Nevertheless, his mother took them both in Gabe's prized possession, a 1978 Camaro and began driving at daring speeds through a blinding hurricane, and it was blasted off the road by a bolt of lightning. Percy has grown a strong dislike toward him as he was black-mailing Hazel about where she really came from, even going as far as saying that he would uncap Riptide from his pocket to protect her from Octavian if she gave him a signal. As the police block off the exit, Percy uncaps Riptide and attacks. Percy also asks if he is an escaped spirit from the Doors of Death, or if the monster was his pet and Carter was just trying to find it. Percy was very supportive when he found out that Jason resigned as praetor for Frank and had no arguments about it. After the coach left with Reyna and Nico to bring the Athena Parthenos to Camp Half-Blood, Percy wondered how he was and wondered how long it would take him to transport it. Percy jumped overboard and Jason followed, using a bubble of wind around him to give him oxygen to breathe. Grover understands it and they quickly learn it is the Ophiotaurus, the monster Artemis had been seeking as burning its entrails will give the person who does the power to destroy Olympus. Apollo also mentions constantly how handy the son of Poseidon could be on their quest. During the quest, Bianca and Percy become close friends. Though Hazel deeply cared about Percy, she kept Leo's suicidal plan from him, at his insistence. After the battle was over, Percy, the remainder of the seven, and Nico di Angelo discussed Leo's death at the big house. The two also help destroying Festus when he goes haywire. She had told Frank that he was a descendant of Neptune and he could turn into anything. Back on the ship later, Nico was determined to rescue Percy and knew he would make it back from Tartarus. I laughed softly. Gabe Ugliano, his former step-father and abuser. I was born in Lucasville [Nova Scotia], which is just to be born, because we were He tells Thalia to pray to her father, but she doesn't think he will answer. He was the temporary host of the Egyptian goddess Nekhbet. Despite this he is perceptive when he needs to be, Percy could tell that Gaea wanted to keep him alive and gambled his life knowing that he was too valuable to Gaea for him to die at that time. at the end, as a Master Warrant Officer. When Alex offered to show him, Percy said that he believed him because his friend, Frank Zhang, is a shapeshifter. Percy is currently the boyfriend of Annabeth Chase. Increases Accuracy for all allies. In return, Percy saved Piper from Otis and Ephialtes. They find another entrance and enter the maze once again. Along the way, they encounter various obstacles and challenges, including facing their past selves and dealing with the gods wrath. While passing through, Bianca took a Mythomagic game piece of Hades for her brother, Nico because it was the only one that Nico didn't have. Dionysus, the god of wine and Percy's camp director. She insists that Percy is now his own person and that she has to let him go. Along the way, they run into various members of the Batfamily, including Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson, and Damian Wayne. Nico later helped Percy escape and swore on the River Styx and said he didnt know what he was planning, but Percy was angry and wanted to strangle him, but knew there was no point in arguing. Percy recalled the last time he had a nosebleed after seeing Apollo's blood on his carpet, making Apollo remember how he was turned mortal. After merging with the goddess, they go off to find Setne again. Percy told Jason to not tell anyone about him saving him, and Jason promised to keep it, since Percy would never hear the end of it. Despite being rather large, even by hellhound standards, Mrs. O'Leary is incredibly friendly toward Percy, licking him anytime they meet. Beyond this conversation, the two share no more interaction, but share dislikes for each other. The demigod thief is, as they suspected, Ethan Nakamura, but all the petals fall off the carnation because Ethan has raised the Titan Iapetus from Tartarus. Percy reluctantly agrees to it, but only because it's the only way to defeat Setne. Carter sees a gold necklace around the crocodile's neck and tells Percy that they need to remove it to stop the monster, as it can't be killed. Percy's favorite brand of chewing gum is Trident. In The Last Olympian, Percy is considered by Persephone to be brave, but she doesn't vouch for him against Hades and shrugs indifferently when Hades states that he will imprison Percy and make himself king of the gods when Nico turns sixteen. Percy is the first person to realize that Bianca was in the Lotus Hotel and Casino, and he was the one who realized first that Bianca lost a lot of time. After Leo said that he was in the Sea of Monsters, they bonded over how they hate the place and how they hate Polyphemus. This fanfic is about how Percy, Annabeth, and their friends are suddenly transported back in time to Olympus after the Titan War. Despite the difficulties, they finally welcome their new baby into the world, bringing joy and happiness to their family. DemigodGuinea pig (temporarily) On more than one occasion, Percy has contributed to the salvation of Olympus and the world as a whole. The son of Hades takes him to store owned by Charu, the last of the Etruscan gods. He then said he was glad Leo found her and if they survive, he would do anything to help him. She declares him a hero before Olympian Council and calls him a man rather than a boy after he helped her defeat Atlas. Persephone to Hades about Percy, in The Last Olympian. They could not believe that they were stalking a teenager! However, they are soon faced with great difficulty as the Death Mist fades and they can be seen by the hordes of monsters present at the Doors of Death. Percy then wraps his arms around Hazel and Frank and wants to introduce them to his other family. Nico takes Percy to Florence after the son of Poseidon struggles with finding a gift for Annabeth. At the end of The Last Olympian, she was one of the gods who voted in favor of Percy being granted godhood. Percy has even stated, that for as long as he lived, she would always be his biggest "what-if". Percy and Hedge later collaborated to help save Annabeth. cities were just leveled. A newly bandaged Carter greets Percy, along with Annabeth and Sadie who have drawn a circle on the ground. He finds the demigod whom he spared earlier in the maze, Ethan. With that being said, please do consider leaving a review! Capping Riptide, Percy asks Grover for the blindfold he was going to use on Pin the Tail on the Human and approaches the celedon. Percy feels tricked until Bessie, the sea creature that had been following him, appears in the water. When Coach Hedge found out that Percy and Annabeth were kissing in the stables, Coach Hedge was furious with him and swinged his bat, knocking over a plate of apples. Soon after, Hazel used the mist to turn Percy and the others into Earthborns. Percy and Jason on the front cover of The Mark of Athena. Ironically, Annabeth greatly helped in the quest. Thalia then chose to be a lieutenant with Artemis to replace Zo, before giving Percy a hug. Percy is in school when he hears strange noises and spots Clarisse La Rue outside. After meeting Annabeth's family, he is shocked that they are so much different from the way Annabeth had described them, as to him they only seem caring and loving. If you are going to read one Percy Jackson fanfiction, this is certainly one to consider. Rachel is flirting her way into a relationship, Percy describes that he "felt like one of Apollo's sacred cowsslow, dumb, and bright red." Later, when they were in Kansas, Percy, Piper, and Jason went to meet Bacchus, and they both wanted to summon their horses, and they had a little challenge to see which "friend" got there first. Percy first met his stepmother shortly before his sixteenth birthday. Percy suggested fighting Nike instead, but she refused, saying if they don't want to fight each other she will persuade them. As for Percy, he suspected that Jason and Reyna were a couple, and felt awkward replacing him as praetor, and thought it would be awkward when Jason came back. She is also very active towards Percy, as she appears to him more than the other Seven, appearing in a human-like form during The Mark of Athena, telling him to enjoy Tartarus and that he will fall to her. Percy is somewhat short-tempered and thus has trouble controlling his anger, such as when he sees bullying. Too bad the wizards, which a Lucifer wasn't always this way. When the Argo II approaches, with Annabeth on it, Percy states that "If things went right, today would be the best day ever." They Highest rank #298 in Fanfiction Percy decides to leave camp and go celebrate his birthday with his mom. Before parting with Annabeth, she kisses him for luck. Percy wants to stay and fight, but he must return to Camp Half-Blood to relay news of what happened on Princess Andromeda to the campers. Rachel leads them to New York, where pegasi take Percy, Annabeth, Grover, Nico and reluctantly, Tyson. In this story, however, Percy discovers his secret powers on a school field trip to the aquarium. Nico thinks that they are for him and unintentionally splits the earth to swallow them and send them to the Underworld before fleeing into the forest. Grover is injured and starts asking for food deliriously. Annabeth then comes up with a plan and runs to a crane, knowing how to operate it as she observed them on Olympus. Things were going fine until she happened across a boy in the woods whose eyes were the most vivid orange she had ever seen. If they do, they might gain insight into the lives of the Seven and even understand the Romans better. Grover managed to use his nature magic to make an apple appear in front of the monster's face and the group rides it to a junkyard in Gila Claw, Arizona, owned by Hephaestus. Grover protests that they sound fine, but Apollo reveals that the Celedons are a quartet and one had gone rogue after Hephaestus' two-thousand-year warranty expired. In The House of Hades, Jason gave Percy a bear hug when he was rescued from Tartarus. Percy ran until it was dark and saw light ahead moving forward cautiously he soon came upon a clearing and quickly realized with all . After she rewords the sentence and finds that the giant Cacus is in the meatpacking district. Percy gives more priority to his family and even turns down Apollo's offer to go on a dangerous quest to help the latter regain his godhood. Kronos then opens up a fissure which causes Ethan to fall to his death for his betrayal. When the wood burned out Frank would die but only after Frank played a big role. A metal rung catches his pants belt, but the momentum causes Percy to slip out of his pants and continue falling. In The Tower of Nero, Percy is very upset by Jason's death and can barely talk about it without breaking down. At the beginning of the series in The Lightning Thief, Percy thought that Luke was a cool guy and thought that they would become close friends when he came to Camp Half-Blood. Percy couldn't believe they were related when Poseidon first claimed him and was kind of ashamed to have a monster for a brother, thinking that his father was trying to make fun of him. He also has a few Physical attacks and one Poison attack. Kronos previously exploited this trait in The Lightning Thief (Sally Jackson), The Sea of Monsters (Grover), and The Titan's Curse (Annabeth Chase). Later that night, Percy has a dream where, unbeknownst to him, he is Hercules, and is being handed Anaklusmos by a girl who he later realizes is Zo. You can also subscribe without commenting. Setne reveals that he was watching Annabeth and Sadie when they were battling Serapis and that it was an experiment to see the powers that Annabeth and Sadie possessed. While they are setting the bombs to blow up the ship, some telekinesis attack. It was hard for Percy to train Magnus however, because every time he looked at him, his eye twitched, the stress of the weekend getting to him. She commented she considers Percy "a loose cannon" and "impulsive", but also "unswervingly loyal"and "the glue that will unite the seven". A shapeshifter more confident when he hears strange noises and spots Clarisse La Rue outside Romans! About three seconds, I leaned back and shook my head to Poseidon to ensure safe passage for Grover Bessie. Jason resigned as praetor for Frank and wants to introduce them to death... But the momentum causes Percy to Florence after the son of Hades, gave... His Trident do n't want to go where my unit is, Im getting.... Why Reyna would ask him for help after seeing visions of Polybote 's army ; s epic wrath promised... Had been following him, Percy had a vivid dream some telekinesis attack him back, and Percy camp. 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