I believe these choices guarantee a Valerie romance, though it's possible to be finished quicker considering I heard someone already started sleeping with Valerie during Season of Bloom. King Irroveti of Pitax is searching for ways to influence Nyrissa and sends the sorcerer Tartuccio to the Stolen Lands with orders to find and deliver The Briar to him, at which he at last succeeds (thanks to the gullible kobolds and luck). Now that all that info is out of the way, here's the guide to romance them (Note this guide is assuming you have the Tiefling DLC from the start of the game) Also, note that this guide was made as a Lawful Evil character: After beating the Aldori mansion, when talking to Kaessi, choose "To Beauty", then "First I will listen", then "What could be better". However, the most worst part of dating Octavia alone is Regongar will automatically die at House at the Edge of Time regardless of his companion quest status if you are still romancing Octavia alone. Apologize to Valerie. In the dream, we finally find out what happened to Nyrissa (although we could already see some scraps of this history during the Season of Bloom). Before going to the Stag Lords Fortress when the fog dissipates.4. During this period, the following meetings take place: 1. ", "Never do that again. ", (Chaotic Evil) [Attack] "I spared Hargulka because I was feeling merciful. Return to captial and say "I'm glad the scar is gone" to Valerie. "What kind of relationship do you have with Octavia? What do you offer these people beyond suffering and death?! ", [Fail Check] [Diplomacy 30] "You've nothing to lose anyway, Agai, and I need to locate the missing citizens of Varnhold. ", "Don't be upset! Kalikke also develops feelings, but must first overcome her concerns about loss or rejection. Why are you teasing me? Although there is always a cheat option to edit save game files or use Bag of Tricks mod. After you complete Sorrowflow and recruit Kalikke and Kanerah, you can speak to them at their house. "I'm ready to call both of you my wives and consorts" is the option that actually has you marry the twins. Your choice Video for the romance: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tzFYB8rmdSo 283 70 comments Add a Comment After this, you should leave and get the Tavern break up scene. Some curses can be studied by both of them, and some only by one of them. Choose "I'd think you can find at least one" then "I definitely do not count modesty", then "I'd gladly accept the invitation. Reg, I'm seriously worried about you. Note that this is the point where the Tiefling Twins can diverge drastically. ", [Diplomacy 28] "Maegar, I know you don't want to, but we'd best clear the whole village, just in case. I'm not going to stalk you like your admirers. 1.2. Dont know if it matters, but it always elicits a positive response from them so it wont hurt. ", (Chaotic Evil) [Attack] "Let's do it. PLEASE HELP!!! ", Advance Romance to Stage 2 and set CounterValue to 31, "For me, you're always beautiful. You can stay in my lands.". Personally, I choose the marriage option for a decent end to this romance (Funnily enough, you still get the no romance MC ending even if you already married the twins), When you get the Technic League camp encounter and recruit Octavia and Reg, choose the NG to spare Kalannah, Return to Oleg's Trading Post. You'll gain a new chance at life and a reliable ally. ", "No. ", [Requires Lawful] "It's easy to do good when someone else is paying for it! Kalikke may be able to one-shot them with an empowered kinetic blast if she gets lucky. Leave her alone! (Optional) If you haven't gotten the marriage scene after turning in her quest, you'll have one last chance to get approval for it. ", [Hold Octavia] "We both have old wounds, and we're both insane in our own ways. After the interactive cutscene, you will be taken to the last episode in the dream (if you do not have a good alignment, you will get here immediately), which will take place in Nyrissa's Throne Room. Get laid with her and keep visiting&banging her regularly. You can try your luck with one of the other guests. We don't want it getting worse. In another camp scene where Valerie shows you a potion, say "What is it," then "Maybe you should show it to an alchemist", then "It's dangerous, throw that muck away". I want to punch him too, but first I have a few questions. ", (Chaotic Good) "Then call me a bandit chief if you will. The best part in fact: her Love. ", "If you want to put an end to this, let's do it. Take it, it's yours. ", (Neutral Evil) "And you've been hiding these potions from me all this time?! Hunting in this area during rest: Lore (Nature) DC 15. In a rest conversation where Octavia says she wants to leave to fight Numeria, say "Maybe you could", then "You don't have to do it alone", then "You know you can always rely on me". During Troll Trouble, I did the Chaotic Good option of freeing the troll (Note that here is what made Octavia want to bang me). ", (Neutral Good) "No more suffering. Scythe Tree (45 days and 50 Build Points)The curse changed the very essence of its sacrifice, turning a benign dryad into something terrifying, locking a good, bright being in the body of a monster. If you have a chaotic alignment, there is an option to attach kobolds to your barony. The Oculus of Abaddon belongs to me. Do the Forefather Companion quest. Farewell! ", [Give Briar to Nyrissa] "I want to return what's been taken from you. ", Talk to Kanerah and Kalikke about the Forefather. You should meet a merchant charging high prices. Run after her!". 149. r/Pathfinder_Kingmaker. Octavia and I are together. ", When returning to the Capital, complete the quest then ask "How is your scar". Eventually, you'll get a scene where Kalikke teleports in. Tristian (90 days and 300 Build Points) - the project will appear if you forgive Tristian.Although there is no evidence that Nyrissa cursed Tristian, this incident still left many questions. You're upsetting her. For those who want to do it themselves and are looking only for a general direction - I will give a brief description without details in the first section of this guide. Hell, you literally can't even have a positive romance relationship with Nyrissa since Kanerah will automatically break up with you in the House at the Edge of Time, You MUST reach and beat the Lantern King chapter if you want to actually finish their romance. Read the full list here: store.steampowered. Finally, regardless of which option we choose, the dialogue will come to the fact we still need the information received from Vordakai. ", "I'm sick and tired of your empty talk. Well, we got to the final act, where we use everything prepared earlier. Ideally, you should get all these scenes before dealing with Bartholomew. We'll have to kill you. At the Troll fort, DON'T choose the chaotic options to antagonize Jazon into attacking you, You must have gotten the quest for Bart's whip. It is unlikely that it is the cause of attacks on the barony. ", "You are in my heart, Nyrissa. March 10, 2023 . With Octavia in your group, choose the CG to free Bart's troll. Took like ten minutes. I was a Neutral Good character and Valerie was basically a permanent member of my party, so I heard all of her comments and dislikes. ", "Enough, Ivar. Nonetheless, after some fiddling I. In a rest conversation, Octavia will flirt with Amiri. and pick all the options. Leave my lands. You should get a conversation where Octavia wants you to run away with her. This update fixes the issue and the affected saves. (Translator's note: The option highlighted should be the only correct one.). It's just an insolent bird! ", (Chaotic Neutral) "Why not? Press J to jump to the feed. That's enough. Save it for tonight! ", "Regongar, what do you think you're doing?! 8. ", [Pull away] "Since you brought it up It's true I've already endured this for too long. You can begin her romance either during dialogue when entering, "Will you tell me about your life in slavery? Nyrissa is not like the other romances in the game where the relationship is mutual. ", "Octavia, you're wrong. If the Baron/ess helps them and shows signs of attraction, Kanerah jumps on the opportunity without hesitation. ", "I'm not going to try to make you change your mind. This guide is for dating Octavia alone, not the poly romance with her and Regongar, though some of this guide could help if you are trying to do the Octavia parts of the poly romance. Then you will be able to influence Tristian at the last moment. When she gets mad, choose "Thank you for your honesty". Take the portal to Sorrowflow, When you get to Sorrowflow, you should get the Neutral ending (AKA best ending) where both twins are in balance. ", (Chaotic Good) "Yes, of course, you're right. It's more fun when there are three of us! Although there is always a cheat option to edit save game files or use bag of tricks addon. Upon reaching Sorrowflow, talk to Kalikke. That will help get the Tieflings earlier and with completing the Sweet Teeth tasks later. ", (Chaotic Good) "Trolls are sentient beings, not cattle to be bought and sold. I'll deal with the guard daemon. They owe their ill fame to the portal located on the island and the wandering lights that lived around it. Concurrently, Nyrissa continues in her search The Briar. And I don't want to see you again in this life, or the next. This should be the actual start to romancing her. Let's hear her squeal. Choose "How did you end up in Jamandi's mansion" then choose "You had me racking my brains", Talk to Kalikke. ", (Lawful Evil) [Attack] "You've no excuses! You can have it. Go for it! ", For obvious reasons, accept the Tiefling Twins into your party, When you return to the capital, you'll have a scene of Kanerah flirting with a merchant. ", (Neutral) "Your goods are your business. ", "I gather you know each other pretty well? ", "Shut up, Regongar! If you did everything right, such as doing the main quests immediately after getting them, you should have finished Valerie's romance and married her right after finishing the Rushlight Tournament. ", "Reg, I appreciate your help, but would you please stop robbing people while I'm trying to talk to them? If you do more of these, you could compile them into a sort of Cosmopolitan Golarion edition. That gives you Valerie immediately and allows much faster chances to increase her approval, At the trading post, talk to Valerie. Join. ", [Diplomacy 16] "Maegar, we won't be able to persuade the centaurs. Do the Forefather Companion quest. ", [Hold your hand against Tristian's cheek] "Not at all. After this stage, the variable 816b7cc721f372041a3475144a6176d4 in the file player.json should be set to 40. ", (Lawful Good) "These people are innocent let them leave. ", "You're still following me? Choose "Do you regret letting Janush escape? In this guide, at each stage I will indicate the values of the variables that should be in this file. Eventually, during the Troll Trouble chapter, I got Valerie's quest to fight the paladin. Maybe with some Amiri approved beach body tips specifically for physically active barbarians ladies. But break your promise and I'll make you regret it, even if I have to claw my way out of the, "Whatever happens, I hope you are beside me. ", "You know, I'm not one to be easily manipulated. Let things remain as they are. ", "She is beautiful, isn't she? You certainly wouldn't be the strangest thing in my lands. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, You might remember my Valerie Romance Guide I posted a while ago, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tzFYB8rmdSo. ", [Pull away] "After everything you've done to me, it's hard to believe you. When talking to Kaessi in your capital, your first choice doesn't matter, then choose "Let's go". Important: YOU MUST COMPLETE ALL THE SWEET TEETH QUESTS BEFORE DOING THE FOREFATHER MISSION. She believes she can detect its location with the help of a powerful artifact: the Eye of Abaddon. ", Advance Romance to Stage 3 and set CounterValue to 61, "Is this some kind of test? ), Do the Lake Silverstep quest with Ivar the Werewolf. This option requires verification. 16. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to ensure Tristian destroys the Eye in Vordakai's Tomb immediately after stealing it. To advance to third stage you need following criteria met: "You say we could be useful to each other? Only their companion quests matter. Now explain what's going on. In order for Nyrissa to accept Briar from you, you need: 1.1. Shut up and get away from each other! You should get a scene where Valerie wants to talk to you (Remember, this scene should be possible to get before Pitax, and after doing the Rushlight Tournament scenes plus the following camp scenes). What if you decide to test me again? Let me go ahead and deal with the traps, and you cover my back. Choose "Do I need to be jealous", then "were you lovers", then "I would never do anything to hurt you", then "Kiss Valerie". The relationship with Nyrissa begins from the very beginning of the game: from the first meeting at Olegs Trading Post. There is a certain way to resist it, even if we do not yet know how to do it. ", "Don't listen to them. "So what was that? And if something is getting in the way of this friendship, let's get rid of it not each other! Pathfinder is a tabletop RPG based off of the 3.5 Ruleset of Dungeons and Dragons. Her romance is split in 4 stages: [1;40], [1;80], [1;90], [? During the camp with Regongar, say "Regongar, stop this" then "Yes, but I can't stop caring about you", then "Regongar, what is the meaning of this.". Thrash them! ", "Are you and Octavia faithful to each other? This talk will occur after you become King/Queen. ", "What if I'm ready to sacrifice the kingdom for you? Enjoy your lovey dovey half-elf wife. (If you haven't gotten the tavern scene yet, immediately return to the capitol since you need the tavern scene to get more approval for the romance. It was for puns like that! His romance is split in four stages: [1;29], [30;59], [60;99] and [100;100]. ", (Lawful Neutral) [Finish the hunter] "We've no place for monsters like you! ", "Octavia, what do you think you're doing?! What if I happen to like you too? And no, Kalikke won't bang you until after the end of the game. For more information, please see our to Quick_1.zip) and unzip it. This talk will occur after you become King/Queen. ", "What a silly idea! After using the disc Kalikke option of "It was a joke, but I'll be glad if you hugged me someday" has the same effect as the hug option romance-wise. You can also kill the worg and then kill some bandits who try to bribe you for more approval. Canon Immigrant: The twins are recreated in Pathfinder Second Edition's Kingmaker Adventure Path Companion Guide. Now you are ready and your relationship with Nyrissa is at the right level. Otherwise, they aren't affected by any choices you make in the game and they almost don't need any rest dialogue, so they are pretty much the easiest romance in the game. ", "I can't accept this gift, Tristian. But this time, among other options, we will have one more And with that, they lived happily ever after Credit for this guide goes to BladeofNurgle, who has generously provided it with permission. I've only ever managed to romance Kanerah, never gotten close to romancing Kalikke. It doesn't make mistakes. ", "One more comment about my companions and you're done for, you brainless stump. It would be better for both of us. ", "You are a threat to my barony, and I will have to fight you no matter what I think of you or how I feel about you. ", "I'm not convinced. ", (Neutral Good) "You can't use a living creature as a target even an enemy. You'll have to romance her sister first. When will you learn that we're not a gang of bandits? r/Pathfinder_Kingmaker Arueshalae's romance path is a sickeningly sweet and sappy affair. ", "If you keep acting like this maybe I will. Octavia seems to prefer kobolds so side with them just to be safe. We don't kill our allies even if we don't think they're being serious. This curse still weighs on this place, filling the air with gravity and contributing to the degeneration of any vegetation.However, the area of this curse is only a small piece of land on the top of a hill. Romance guide - Pathfinder: Kingmaker Contents 1 Valerie 2 Kalikke & Kanerah 3 Octavia 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Troll Trouble 3.3 Season of Bloom 3.4 Varnhold Vanishing 3.5 The Twice-Born Warlord. Talk to Octavia after the quest, choose "How's your mother," then the NG "You're an exceptionally kind person." ", "That's enough. As the ruler of these lands, I order you to immediately cease all dangerous experiments and terminate that troll. When Valerie wants to talk say "Fine", then "What happened", then "I love you", then "Valerie, will you marry me". Choose "Do not interfere" or "Regongar, she's right", then choose "Why are you still sitting", then "Hug Octavia" Congratulations, they've broken up and you've ensured Octavia will only have sex with you from now on. Been taken from you n't kill our allies even if we do not yet know How to Good! Or the next you until after the end of the other romances in the way this. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to ensure Tristian the. One. ) sister first elicits a positive response from them so wont! Earlier and with completing the Sweet Teeth QUESTS before doing the Forefather MISSION for me, it easy... Can begin her romance either during dialogue when entering, `` Octavia what. S Kingmaker Adventure Path Companion guide issue and the affected saves Evil ) [ ]... This time? Eye of Abaddon what if I 'm glad the scar is gone '' to Valerie yet How. Still need the information received from Vordakai fixes the issue and the affected saves romances in the.... 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