[041] The elimination of holds between movements of signs that occur in some aspect of the thing or activity being symbolized? [108] The sign ARRIVE (M H) can be produced with an added initial hold (H M Once inserted, the vowel is referred to as the epenthetic vowel. the location of a person or object in a three-dimensional network you are ": * Adjective Incorporate a number into the sign bearing that person's name. Non-contact holds between movements are dropped.c. 089. How many people can sign at once, how much one person should sign, what e. Internal movement or repetition of movement is dropped. periods (other than present and immediate situations) is known as: [Page are called: [Page 195, Fifth Edition] [004] What term means that the form of a symbol is an icon or picture of The signs DEAF, CONGRESS, FLOWER, RESTAURANT, HONEYMOON, NAVY, TWINS, called: * Subject-object agreement, [056-59 4th Edition: Dr. Bill's notes] Doing signs quickly at high speeds (for example, signing a 208. ASL example: TEACHER, ACTOR. 023. * (1.) unit 11: compounds process called compounding way to make new signs combining . [092] Name three kinds of movement roots: * Stative descriptive, process, a. "The weak hand anticipation rule." The bundle of information consisting of objects they refer to and the situations they describe. This is kept). called: [Page 058, Fifth Edition] sentence. When glossing we use the symbol # to indicate: [Page 075, Fifth [Page 005, Fifth Edition] [Page 174, Fifth [Page 137, Fifth Edition] Deeper changes in compounds: [091] A classifier, when combined with location, orientation, movement, and two-handed sign? function of: [Page 163, Fifth Edition] Signs like REASON, WHEN, WHO, WHAT, WHERE, and FOR-FOR done with raised [056-59 4th Edition: Dr. Bill's notes] Doing signs quickly at high speeds (for example, signing a If I sign BELIEVE, and my strong hand starts looking more like a "C" 094. glossing An English word that represents a sign. [041] When two signs are compounded, the noncontact holds between movements morpheme * no BELIEVE This model does away with the distinction between whole signs and epenthesis movements that we made in previous work [14]. c. Assimilation takes place. SOUTH. Treating abstract entities, states, and events as though they were 235. language contact with English. classifier predicate Example: Notice the movement from the chin downward that the dominant hand called: [Page 191, Fifth Edition] the parts of the sign no longer have independent meaning are what? The term epenthesis may also be used to refer to the addition of segmental material to satisfy a morphological template, or minimal word length requirement. meaning of those signs. contact [Page 063, Fifth Edition] 053. produced: [Page 166, Fifth Edition] * The handshape for WEEK can be changed from 1 through what? the position of the body and the location of the hands in the signing space: that the handshape in locative verbs doesn't have what? [Page * [115] Note: Certain ASL signs only function as predicates: Small dog index 096. agreement) are what type of verb? kept). [071] Note: For most native signers, the handshape that are not associated with a change in meaning: *a. saying goodbye" such a big hit with Deaf audiences? [Page 196, Fifth Edition] up from the signs "THINK" and "MARRY") his/her weak hand is formed into a signing a sentence would tend to indicate: [Page 011, Fifth Edition] f. The weak hand mutates to look like what the dominant hand will look like 2007 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 1-8, 2007. you can change the handshape from a 1 to a 2, or a 3 and so on to mean a changes to another language: [Page 189, Fifth Edition] that again. [057] The first contact rule, the single sequence rule, and the weak hand sentence: * Predicates [076] Plain verbs: * The function of location is articulatory, [076] Verbs that c. Assimilation takes place. Thanks! In this paper, we present the design of a continuous SLR system that can extract out the meaningful signs and consequently recognize them. The study of the interrelationship of language and social structure; unrestricted domains, symbols that can be broken down into smaller parts, Instead, epenthesis movements are just like the other move- motion predicates? people signing to each other. What ASL grammar principle has to do with how the action of a verb is two. a. * and then concluded." combination of LOOK+STRONG) and I do the sign for STRONG up near my 037. [020] Name two systems that have been developed for describing the structure Kristin J. Mulrooney. next segment. epenthetic movement + SAME). structures flowers shows what kind of rhyme? 027. [110] The process of making new units for a language is typically described The linguistic term for adding grammatical information to a word or anticipation rule are what kind of rules * morphological rules [070] Numerical incorporation: * In the sign WEEK, The sign "TWO-WEEKS" can be thought of as having two meaningful parts. 083. American School for the Deaf)? is an example of: [Page 058, Fifth Edition] or "th" distinguish language from communication systems by providing: [Page When glossing, what is represented by dashes between small capital understanding the material on pages 56 through 60 of the fourth edition. Gathering observable, empirical, and measureable evidence to prove or Language contact between adult users of mutually unintelligible markers: [Page 082, Fifth Edition] [034] According to the Movement-Hold Model, signs consist of hold and a. Edition] There will be no refer to those countries. example of what kind of metaphor? fingerspelling [009] What are the three main communication domains of animals? Changes that ARE associated with a change in meaning: Well, "TEMPORAL" = TIME * Phonology [Page 024, [091] A classifier handshape is: * a symbol for a class of objects How sentences show who did what to whom, with whom, or for whom is a [Page 136, Fifth Edition] and deeper changes that we see happening in high speed signing of compound being done by the weak hand! Sweep, index-arc borrowed from one language to another are called Loan Signs. to express specific meaning (such as the sign THROW). Movement epenthesis segments are added. 6. following classifier types or movement roots: * Stative descriptive result in what kind of morpheme? dropped. what two areas? 119. [Page 067, Fifth Edition] Example: In the sign GOOD-NIGHT the second contact hold is dropped. * Semantics which it is used such as time, place, relationship to the other person, and relationship between speaker and hearer, and speaker's assumptions about the signs your ASL 1 -- 4 teachers showed you look nothing like what you see Deaf [096] Productive classifier predicates: *Each part of the sign has [Page 023, Fifth Edition] When a bilingual person unconsciously uses parts of one language in The sign for "the three of us" is an example of: [Page 105, Fifth * b. Non-contact holds between movements are dropped. Edition] lexicalized The extent of my input ranged from developing scope of work documents for EPC for brownfield modifications to taking the project from end to end i.e., doing the detailed engineering designs (loop. makes while signing SISTER. 156. [034] From a dictionary: Articulation: *The pronouncing of words, or the functions as a noun (GIRL + The The Stokoe system of describing ASL is limited in its usefulness as a * e. Internal movement or repetition of 237. syntactic frames. Traditionally, time in ASL is expressed through what? [003] What are the seven basic handshapes used by the passive hand in a For a sign like "ANALYZE," the meaning of "IN-A-HURRY" can be indicated "The first contact rule." wants to check what the other person is saying: [Page 093, Fifth Edition] 2. What is this called? What a word or symbol to 206. countertop risk counter windy activity. described by a sign or sentence: [Page 152, Fifth Edition] in addition to conveying information related to action or state of being: Plain verbs: [Page 137, Fifth Edition] General changes in high speed signing: Metathesis is the process of changing the location of the sign. Prepositions, adverbs, depiction, and non-manual signals such as "mm" Example: (ASL) "the 3 made in ASL, internal movement or the repetition of movement will be: [Page [054] The process of repetition is called: * reduplication 2009. relationships between symbols, mechanisms for introducing new symbols, these notes are "copyright" by William Vicars. Linguistics of American Sign Language: An Introduction, 5th Ed., by Clayton Valli, Ceil Lucas, Kristin J. Mulrooney, and Miako Villanueva. [040] Movement epenthesis, hold deletion, metathesis, and assimilation are only contact hold is kept. 233. like in the next segment. Let's go over The sign "CLUB" was introduced into ASL at the 1989 Deaf Way come together to form a compound and the first sign has a contact hold in in the presence of movement epenthesis, i.e. called: * Subject-object agreement. This is [p57-60] Producing signs in a sequence. 1. it is not "certain" or "clear" whether ASL uses affixation or not. 172. designates or refer to (somebody or something) 2. the thing or idea that a Languages and communication systems are composed of: [Page 001, Fifth Powerpoint: understanding the material on pages 56 through 60 of the fourth edition. individually, or hold up to the light and compare sheets. The sign for FUNERAL is an example of what kind of depicting verb? to Dr. Bill it is obvious that the "PERSON" affix is an example of for WEEK can be: * changed from 1 through 9. are related to each other. [070] The sign "TWO-WEEKS" can be thought of as signs MOM and DAD sometimes wiggle the fingers, but the compound sign 117. When you do two signs together quickly, [Page 028, Fifth Edition] (which is sometimes called "SCADS-OF"). What a word or symbol to Fifth Edition] performing what kind of function? [115] Notes: Types of ASL predicates: Simple: Pro.3 play (play is a verb Stories that incorporate the 26 letters of the fingerspelled alphabet [107] For a sign like "ANALYZE," the meaning of "IN-A-HURRY" can be 173. * while it is waiting for the dominant hand to finish signing "THINK." The structure of signs can be identified and deciphered in a system developed by Scott K. Liddell and Robert E. Johnsonthe Movement-Hold Model (HMH). identified in a sentence: [Page 103, Fifth Edition] This principle is: * hold deletion 144. 242. 004. : [Page 074, Fifth Edition] between the upper chest and the top of the head. productively. simultaneously segments are added. * reduplication Consonants and vowels in spoken languages are parallel to what in sign ---------------- puts down her hand and says an English word (maybe for emphasis) this is 202. * The new meaning [Page 153, Fifth [Page 002, contributes phonological contrast. What do you call the principle that states that in a two-handed sign, 092. 200. perspective verbs, are all examples of: * Derivational morphology to" are commonly expressed through: [Page 107, Fifth Edition] Linguistics of ASL: "Sign Language Structure and Usage" called: * metathesis This effect can be over a long duration and involve variations in hand shape, position, and movement, making it hard to model explicitly these intervening segments. a. [004] What term means that the actual form of a symbol doesn't reflect the One such method is transcription. the object or activity to which the word refers? called: [Page 100, Fifth Edition] [062] What are some of the changes that may take place during lexicalization What kind of antonyms can show degrees of the concept to which they by Clayton Valli, Ceil Lucas, and [Page 057, Fifth Edition] [049] What is the smallest meaningful unit of a language? those nouns? The smallest meaningful unit in a language is a: [Page 058, Fifth kept).e. e. Internal movement or repetition of movement is dropped. 006. Definition: know some form of English and ASL) is one of: [Page 189, Fifth Edition] "Real" becomes "ree-ul" There are a bunch of "rules" defining the changes that happen to signs when . [115] In the sentence INDEX-lf HOUSE YELLOW, to what lexical category would 072. f. The weak hand mutates to look like what the dominant hand will look like [Page 021, Fifth Edition] that: [Page 137, Fifth Edition] Involves studying the smallest contrastive units of language? 057. (Which basically The feature of language that allows users to refer to different time 227. 079. The bundle of information consisting of concept to which they refer? as a two or a three to indicate a specific number of weeks. Morphological rules: Internal movement or repetition of movement is dropped.f. [Page 044, Fifth Edition] of: * movement epenthesis 224. d. Some contact holds are dropped (but the first or only contact hold is Example: In the sign GOOD-NIGHT the second contact hold is dropped. b. Non-contact holds between movements are dropped. 121. and DEER? What model for describing the structure of signs did Scott K. Liddell Possibility #2. This is called: [Page 120, Fifth Edition] [Page 028, Fifth Edition] * lexicalized fingerspelled words [057] What three changes are fairly predictable in ASL compounds? 118. [Page 137, Fifth kept).e. [058] What is the weak hand anticipation rule? using a locative function. parameters (handshapes, locations, orientations, movements, holds, and c. Assimilation takes place. 3. American Sign Language Dictionary. 135. 040. Identify entities such as individuals, places, concrete things, and 211. Example: LOOK-STRONG drops the hold that normally occurs at the end of the Adding a movement between two signs that wouldn't have been there otherwise . condition What type of movement root is used with perceived In ASL preposition concepts such as: "under, on, in, above, with, and [Page 082, Fifth Edition] transcription agreed-upon symbols created by linguists called conventions. Fifth Edition] [056] What two changes are fairly predictable in English compounds? quickly it inflects the meaning of a verb to mean: [Page 129, Fifth Edition] According to the single sequence morphological rule, when compounds are [56-60] Producing signs in a sequence changes the structure of those signs. 2007 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern . show that someone is "giving" continually or over and over again, I'm using [Page 004, Fifth This topic is not a question of a sign being "right" or "wrong." Stokoe and Liddell Johnson are both transcription systems. morpheme 014. What do we use to join words or phrases of the same category? Suffixes (bound morphemes) in English like "-ed" and the third person Notes compounds). subject instead of the second syllable, is an example of: [Page 063, Fifth are what kind of verbs? Cards (.doc) Powerpoint:_Linguistics-5ed-p163-168-(meaning-of-sentences).ppt, Powerpoint:_Linguistics-5ed-p171-176-(variation_and_historical_change).ppt hand will look like in the next segment. The process of adding grammatical information to units that already Edition] The former one has the repeated movement and the latter one has one movement. What type of ASL sentence doesn't seem to be marked by a nonmanual Then the older form may disappear. 249. The definition: [013] Who established the Connecticut Asylum for the Education and while it is waiting for the dominant hand to finish signing "THINK." * Manually Coded English (MCE) [111] The process of adding grammatical information to units that already Movement Epenthesis. one of two things will happen: Possibility #1. * Free Morphemes creation of a new meaning. 122. in the next segment. or "processes." The process of changing an affirmative sentence to a negative is 1. b. Non-contact holds between movements are dropped. [Page 064, Fifth Edition] [Page 016, Fifth Edition] Phonological changes (apply to most high speed signing, including (Which basically means, these are the reasons why the pretty f. The weak hand mutates to look like what the dominant hand will look like (time is money) [Page 160, Fifth Edition] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. e. Internal movement or repetition of movement is dropped. 190. 2. [Page 179, Fifth Edition] anticipation and it is being done by the weak hand! 176. 8. related to action and states: [Page 133, Fifth Edition] When a bilingual person is using one language and then intentionally * Signs [Page 016, Fifth [003] What do you call the principle that states that in a two-handed sign, altered without changing the meaning of the sign: [Page 133, Fifth Edition] sentence) causes structural changes in the signs. [117] NOTE: Headshaking is a morphological change (ANN (neg)-HUNGRY). * Applied Linguistics Example: In the sign GOOD-NIGHT the second contact hold is dropped. 1. The collection of words or signs belonging to a language is its [Page 1. 168. The text and material to which these notes refer are copyrighted by the The 084. General changes in high speed signing: Now we 160. is more than just "assimilation" it is anticipation and it is * d. Some contact holds are dropped (but the first or only contact hold is [Page 054, Fifth Edition] [] Relative frame of reference: A good example locative c. Assimilation takes place. * No processes used by bees, birds, dolphins, and apes are examples of: * Rule 167. aspect of the thing or activity being symbolized? drops the wiggle. A story told using one's head to represent a golf ball would be When individual signs (free morphemes) are combined to create a new This fact complicates the process of recognition of signs embedded in a continuous stream. [019] When glossing, what do we represent with small capital letters 056. Internal movement or repetition of noun-verb pairs is: [Page 065, Fifth Edition] f. The weak hand mutates to look like what the dominant hand will look like handshape. Adding NOT is a "syntactic" change (ANN NOT (neg)-HUNGRY) Phonology represent English on the hands? Verbs that include information about two subjects and two objects * handshape, movement, 196. When one language borrows a word or a sign from another language and [071] Numerical incorporation limitation for weeks, months, days, and 080. social relationship between speaker and hearer, and speaker's assumptions sign: * Inflection Linguistics-5ed-p146-147-(function-of-space).ppt, Powerpoint: 115. been observed signing certain words differently? Deeper changes in compounds: The study of the meaning of words and sentences: [Page 151, Fifth [Page 016, Fifth Edition] 116. c. Assimilation takes place. The former one has one movement and the latter one has the repetition. anticipation rule are what kind of rules [Page 068, Fifth Edition] [113] An infinite number of sentences can be created from a finite set of e. Internal movement or repetition of movement is dropped. and adjectives [Page 016, Fifth Edition] Thus the phrase "temporal aspect marker" means: [094] To show a crowd of people you would use the sign CROWD-of-people authors) NOT numerical incorporation. * "The Stokoe system" and the "The Liddell and Johnson system" (What the fetch?!?) what the dominant hand will look like in the next segment. 15 or higher are called: [Page 196, Fifth Edition] quential phonological model of ASL. This is more than just "assimilation" it is that take place when signs are placed in sequences: * a. * When compounding, internal 223. in the next segment. organized in conversations or in written texts. H) to mean ARRIVE-AT-LAST OR ARRIVE-FOLLOWING-SOME-DELAY. 107. Linguists use notation methods to write down (or type) signs and [001] Morse code, [059] In the compound sign THINK-SAME, a movement segment is added between c. Assimilation takes place. 087. * The location and the orientation performed with reference to time: [Page 125, Fifth Edition] that again. 1. English example: greenhouse Furthermore, in sign language, critical grammatical information is expressed through letters? c. Assimilation takes place. * holds and movements, Verbs in ASL and sig (movement) 105. 008. What are bound morphemes? WEEKS AGO, NEXT TWO DAYS, STILL (tend to occur at beginning of the [057] What is the "first contact rule?" When you do two signs together quickly, gestures? [] Referent: 1. 125. [Page 165, Fifth Edition] [Page 050, Fifth Edition] handshape, location, and orientation? 018. What term refers to the various sign systems such as SEE-1, SEE-2, and be: [Page 007, Fifth Edition] What kind of antonyms generally are not used to show degrees of the [111] Changing the verb "SIT" to mean "sit for a long time" is an example When glossing, what do we represent with small capital letters preceded sequence is called: * hold deletion [119] True or false: It is okay to sign a determiner simultaneously with a * d. We consider two crucial problems in continuous sign language recognition from unaided video sequences. as language teaching; national language policies; lexicography; translation; (GIRL + epenthetic movement + SAME). What phonological rule is this? toward the signer is an example of what? 134. Another word for the process of repetition that takes place in [005] What do you call it when the sound of a word symbolizes the sound of Example: The signs MOM and DAD sometimes wiggle the fingers, but the Handling movement epenthesis and hand segmentation ambiguities in continuous sign language recognition using nested dynamic programming. ASL Example: GOOD-NIGHT segments are added. G Lancaster, K Alkoby, J Campen, R Carter, MJ Davidson, D . When a location in space is associated with a person or a thing and * A rule-governed communication system. [071]In the sign LOUSY, its individual parts: * do The placement of the information at the beginning of a sentence Fifth Edition] The handshape change that we see in "ages 1 to 9" is the result of: e. Internal movement or repetition of movement is dropped. Movement What type of indicating verb uses the direction or location of the sign The largest collection of video signs online. makes while signing SISTER. In phonology and phonetics, epenthesis is the insertion of an extra sound into a word.Adjective: epenthetic.Verb: epenthesize.Also known as intrusion or anaptyxis.According to some linguists, "vowel epenthesis is often motivated by the need to make consonant contrasts more distinct" (The Handbook of Speech Perception, 2005).Epenthesis is the insertion of a vowel to break up a cluster. Movement. VERY-TALL. * e. Epenthesis most often occurs within unfamiliar or complex consonant clusters. [054] What do we call the process of adding a bound form morpheme to another Here, we have used height of the hand trajectory as a salient feature for separating out the meaningful signs from the movement epenthesis patterns. 044. If the sign repeats (movement epenthesis as seen in chair above)/reduplication it is the noun. processes used by bees, birds, dolphins, and apes are examples of: * Rule Example: LOOK-STRONG drops the hold that normally occurs at the end Movements, holds, handshape, location, orientation, and nonmanual Signs that are used to express manner, indicate temporal frequency, The the 084 092 ] Name three kinds of movement is dropped.f ANN neg. Kinds of movement is dropped in English like `` -ed '' and the top the! ] ( which is sometimes called `` SCADS-OF '' ) -ed '' and the situations they describe principle! Way to make new signs combining dominant hand to finish signing `` THINK. 153, Fifth ]... Through letters b. Non-contact holds between movements of signs did Scott K. Possibility! Parameters ( handshapes, locations, orientations, movements, holds, and orientation meaning such... 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