TOAA and The Presence/Source stalemate while Oblivion and Overvoid stalemate while TOBA and GEB/Anti-life entity stalemate while The Hand, The Cosmic Raptor, The Supercelestials, Dr. Manhattan, The Hand Wonder Woman, Milkman Man, Superboy Prime solo the rest. Naturally this is off topic in the first place so I'd suggest stopping here. Fixed taint for Override Action Button Show, Battleground Datatext was showing in Arena where it doesn't work anymore, Objective Tracker button has a range overlay now and the (its grey) should be fixed, Stance bar showing when entering a Battleground on priest and it switching you to healer from Shadow, Databar Quest XP will show green for quests you are on and have completed, unless you have completed enabled, Heal Pred was anchoring incorrectly when absorb style was set to None. I always thought they were 5d, could you show me the thread where they were confirmed 6d. Vendor Greys will stop trying to sell items to Auto Hammers. Added possibility of setting alpha of the stack and duration text colors on RaidDebuff Indicator modules. (#869). (#1280). This is when Deathstroke made Wally an offer: if Wally uses his powers to go back in time and change the past so Deathstroke's son doesn't die, Slade will quit being Deathstroke. Press and release casts were messed up (again). And if you can't figfure it out, I can't help you. Oh, sure, this thread will be like any of those threads. Display an icon on Bag icons for corrupted items. (#204), Added Tooltip option to alway show the realm name. Published Feb 5, 2020. Top Aura options were reworked and settings for them were reset. Tweaked default settings for aura filter priority lists based on feedback from users. Wally, along with Kid Flash and Bolt tried to fight Red X but he fended them off with an electromagnetic field that they couldn't phase through.[51]. Reverted some of the recent UI scale changes in an attempt to make it work correctly for more people. Can exist at every second in the Universe that Darkseid was imprisoned at once. Updated gold datatext. Raised the detached ClassBar to be over health by default. I think that it should also be known that you can turn on and off any aspect of the UI. In order to improve load times, ElvUI will no longer load `Blizzard_DebugTools`. Fixed issue which caused the Chat History to sometimes attempt to reply to the wrong BattleTag friend. Blizzard Raid Control was busted with the Unitframes disabled. Fixed an issue on the Gossip Skin with our Close Button. Added Cutaway Health to nameplates (part of #331). Added new command "/estatus" which will show a Status Report frame with helpful information for troubleshooting purposes. [30], The surviving heroes and villains joined up on Themyscira for a final battle against the forces of the Last 52 Multiverse. (#1281). Crafting order icon was not displayed at all. Queue Status error when Minimap Cluster was disabled. Added new Currencies to our Currencies Datatext. Updated the unitframe framework "oUF" to latest version. Stacking Auras count corrected and ignore Rogue Animacharges. Added new Time Release spell IDs to RaidDebuffs filter. Fixed Fader from properly fading the Pet Frame out when combat ends. Added XP Quest Percent toggle in settings under General > BlizzUI Improvements. . Updated all used libraries to latest versions. Smoothed the Top Aura Status Bars when they are active. The two fought side by side, jokingly referring to each other as "Kid Flash" and "Speedy". Allowed Chat Bubbles to be skinned in tower since they seem to not be allowed there. (!170). [53] The entire Justice League also subsequently disappeared and only Black Adam returned, claiming that the League and Justice League Incarnate had all been killed by Pariah and that the Great Darkness was preparing to invade the Multiverse. Chat Module now supports new Text To Speech options (Options > Install > Setup Chat, might be required, do this if you have issues). Fixed a skin error on the Petition Frame which hides a button. Vanquished error about tutorialInstance, hopefully. ElvUI is awesome! Fixed a division by zero error in the Reputation DataBar. Added option to hide Health Bar on Tooltips. But the statements cant be brushed of either essentially the pheonix force is one of the major energies that created the Big Bang that created the multiverse that the white hot room which is the heart of the pheonix force played a part in its creation. Added option to use the Blizzard cleanup method instead of the ElvUI sorting. (Hunters Rejoice)! Optimized Bag Code in various areas. Death Battle; DBX; DEATH BATTLE Cast; Death Race; The Desk of DEATH BATTLE; DEATH BATTLEs. Added "Class" to Style Filter triggers. Seals were showing when Parchment Remover was enabled, should be hidden again now. Disregarding the fact that this is a really weak attempt at poisoning the well (bad lawyer tactics as well) Prime can't really deal with Hyperforce potency. Fixed Social Queue Datatext and Chat Message. Added an option to ignore the UI Scale popup when resizing the game window (General -> Ignore UI Scale Popup). Changed how we control state of filters used in filter priority lists. Inverted heal absorb display and removed option to change it. Also has the powers of the Mobius Chair and Doctor Manhattan. In the present, despite the arrival of Superman and Batman, Savitar defeated the gathered heroes before Wally regained his strength and suited up in his old Flash costume. Added an overlay alpha option for UnitFrames portraits. (Thanks Ellypse). Fixed an issue which kept healers stored when out of a Battleground. Mobius Chair Flash is when the current flash, Wally West , gets on The Mobius Chair. They can be found in the NamePlates General Options. Not to mention random code errors. (#323). [Style Filter] Fixed Static Player Nameplate to no longer taint from filters. Fixed error for shapeshifting druids who enter combat when nameplate classbar is attached to player nameplate. Removed border color restriction when using the Thin Border Theme. However Booster and friends arrived in time and convinced Wally to clone himself, kill the clone, put the body of the clone amongst the victims, turn himself in and accept responsibility for the massacre. [44] They teamed up with Amethyst and Justice League Dark, who told them that Eclipso was heading to the Black Heart, a gateway to the core of Gemworld. Bag Bar: Fixed Right Click on a bag erroring out when Bags module was disabled. you seriously wanna get your temporary ban even longer? [Nameplate: Style Filter] Added trigger if the unit is Focused (or not). Your current role has to match this before a filter is activated. All Feats, Statements, Scaling, and Scans. Evoker Disintegrate readjusted to display correct chain cast tick amount. [Nameplate] Reworked the cooldown text, so that it matches Unitframes. Fixed an issue with the Ace3 skin which caused some buttons to fill the screen. [57], While Wally was having a barbecue with some of his friends and family, a mysterious spire arrived on Earth and everyone who wasn't a speedster froze in time. Beats me how that conclusion is made. Fixed an issue with the Quest Skin which caused the Quest Icon beside the text to sometimes not be shown. The Bag Bar and Vendor Greys tabs are now again available if the All In One Bag is disabled. Version 12.01 [ October 16th 2020 ] Nice: Unitframe and Nameplate font issues (new method to get them showing properly) Actionbar Backdrops we reworked to fix them being a little funky, this includes Pet and Stance bar; Boss and Zone Button being jumpy; Good: oUF . This allows you to separate each individual group. (!115 - Thanks @wing5wong). However, knowledge came with a cost, and to get enough Element X for the Mobius Chair, he had to make a bargain with Darkseid, giving Apokolips the technology of the Boom Tube. Manhattan Wally is above 6d so I don't think that's doable either ig,,,, Archie Sonic (Pre-Genesis) vs Wally West (Rebirth), The fastest known speedsters across creation, now face each other in a fierce brawl (GRACE). Saves lot's of time when setting things up, if installing ElvUI on another PC/laptop, or when wanting a hard copy of the UI settings for when Blizzard suggests wiping your cache, etc. Fixed "script ran too long" error when jumping from Skyhold to Dalaran. Backdrop on the Stance bar wasn't using the correct multiplier when less than the amount of buttons available. Added heal absorb display to the heal prediction module. Fixed error when trying to import a profile from another addon (Vuhdo for example). For me, love the unit frames/raid frames and bags but still keep all the skins and action bars to be original. Fixed a frame level issue with nameplates which caused them to bleed into each other when overlapped. Equipped Item border wasn't updating correctly. Moved datatext gold format option into the "Currencies" tab. Skinned Equipment Buttons (Thanks @Aftermathhqt). Fixed an issue that caused some unskinned Blizzard frames to get the edges torn off. Added 2 new special filters for Aura Filtering: "CastByPlayers" and "blockCastByPlayers". Fixed tooltips getting skinned while Tooltip Skin option is disabled. Added Faction info to the Gold Datatext and fixed a possible error with new characters on it. Dropdown during Toggle Anchors was busted. (#843). He was trapped in the Speed Force for years, with the world temporarily forgetting his existence until his metaphorical "rebirth". (Rubgrsch), Added a "Fluid Position" option to Smart Aura Position settings. Fixed issue with Guild Bank which sometimes prevented icons from being desaturated during a search while swapping between bank tabs. Credit: Dharwin & Rubgrsch. Wally West vs Deku 2 (Cause the last one was a Mismatch) Mobius Chair Wally. Season 1. (Jacob Demian). Added Korean option for the "Numer Prefix Style" setting. Attempted to fix Quest Icons on Nameplates which caused one quest to be displayed twice. You can manually input a value higher than the slider allows. (#469 #1253 #1278 and #1285 - Thanks @wing5wong). Added Class Color option for Target Class Bar, Player Class Bar, and Nameplate Power Bars. Updated the shading on Bag items when you search. Added new scale options. Added options to invert the CastBar, AuraBars, and Power colors on UnitFrames status bars when in transparent mode; as well as added custom backdrop options for these status bars. Chat: Fixed incompatibility with Total RP 3. Interrupt announcement caused an error sometimes. (#1414). Added Cutaway Health and Power (when appropriate) to all of the unitframes. Added Kin's Forging Strike to Raid Debuffs (for normal+ raids). Struck with an extra surge of Speed Force energy, Wally easily defeated Savitar, severing his connection to the Speed Force before a mysterious portal dragged him back to his prison. Well, I cannot find the thread currently, but I'll try my best to find it. [Actionbar] Added show cooldown text on charges option. Being completely honest, giving Wally the mobius chair is a bit of an overkill, Wally is already way faster than Thor so he could speed blitz, on top of that Wally is probably worthy anyways, Thor is the better fighter and has more strength but it isn't gonna cut it against Wally in the chair. Added some options for the top and bottom cosmetic panels (under the new cosmetic tab, under general). Some Actionbar (also one on Wrath), Grouping, VehicleButton, and PetBar taints fixed. Datatext LDB icon wasn't showing when toggling the setting. Added the WoW Token price in our Gold DataText. This release contains a warning popup which informs the user that nameplates will be reset when ElvUI v11 is released with patch 8.1.5 on March 12th. Knull beat Thor with Odinforce. Nameplate width is now bound to it's clickable width. Tempus fulfilled his promise and reunited the twins with Earth-0's Linda, whose memory of Wally and the twins returned to her. New section for Boss Button, Zone Ability, and Vehicle exit in the ActionBars options, which includes adding the ability to enable Inherit Global Fade on the Boss and Zone buttons. Added dispellable to boss buff filters by default. Wally West is The Flash, the fastest man in the multiverse. He caught up to Superman and questioned him about how he remembers him, as well as his life with Linda Park. The AFK screen should no longer appear if the character is casting something (crafting). Fixed an issue where a profile error about 'global' or 'private' not existing would happen from the Skin module. Fixed issue with Remove Corruption on Boomkins. The Speed Force allows him to take in and process information at an accelerated rate. Fixed position of the ElvUI Status Report frame (/estatus). VS Battles Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. Wrath still has a Totem Bar (for shamans) but will. Encounter Journal skin updated a little bit. Fixed issue which caused E:UpdateAll to be called twice, potentially causing errors in plugins. Powers and Abilities: Super Speed, Superhuman Strength, Superhuman Durability, Superhuman Agility, Speed Force Aura, Electrokinesis, Energy Absorption (Can absorb Speed Force and Negative Speed Force energies. Make sure you check out the post in the news section for the details! Fixed issue which caused raid icons on nameplates to not update properly unless targeted. The eyeball for group finder was still hiding. Wally later found his cousin and comforted him, offering advice and words of wisdom. Fixed issue which could cause an invisible frame to block clicks when the minimap was moved out of the topright corner. Attempted to fix taint errors involving the beloved Edit Mode, this includes the errors while levelling up. wait shouldnt wally with dr Ms powers have "At least stellar, possibly immeasurable" lifting strength? 2023 GAMESPOT, A FANDOM COMPANY. As Impress said, the formatting is bad, but can be fixed easily. Disabled the version reply over the ElvUIGVC channel at Blizzards request. Trying to keybind an empty pet action button will now correctly show a tooltip. Fixed the text info on Import and Export of a profile, it would stack the text at the bottom incorrectly before at first open. He called this device the Mobius Chair, and to power it he needed Element X, the same element he used to create the Boom Tubes. Fixed the portrait and health backdrop bleeding on UnitFrames health when they fade on range, specifically for BuG. Fixed issue which caused the rune backdrop on nameplates to not hide when in nameonly mode. Empowered spells breaking when using KeyUp. Group Finder had wrong Premade Groups icon. (NickS), Added option to exclude names from Class Color Mentions. Updated Font Outline options and fixed it not working when adjusting. This character is or was an incarnation of or an ally of The Flash, and a member of the Flash Family of speedsters. Added new Tag: [specialization], which shows YOUR current spec as text. Example: "/ec unitframe,player,portrait". 3. Changed UIScale information popup so it will continue to pop up until an action has been taken. Intent completar ms del archivo de localizacin para espaol. For the time being you will have to either play without friendly nameplates in those situations, or disable the ElvUI NamePlates module and use a dedicated addon for NamePlates. Cast Bar Text will get checked by Class Color for shared profiles. Another attempt to make sure the background/seal background art show correctly on Quest frame. [Nameplate] Name Only ending was preventing the Target Class Power from displaying correctly. NamePlates had the wrong font when loading into the game, should be resolved now (for real finally). Waygate Travel was added to the Blacklist filter. LibCustomGlow is back, as the license issue was resolved (Thanks Stanzilla). Updated the Raid Utility, with nice clean shiny fresh new updates. Black Winter ate the Sixth Cosmos. 144444 (downloads) LuckyoneUI - Wrath Classic. No, Thor lost the Power Cosmic after defeating Black Winter. Wally raced over to help him, and bystanders told him that Dick had gone back inside to rescue a tenant. Auctionhouse scrollbar being misplaced when skinned. Removed Guide text from mentor chat, icon will still show. For Plugin Authors: We added a seperator in our Options: <<< Plugins >>> Which means, you should add your options below it. Currency Icons have a little border of their own now. Fixed Minimap Ping & Blizzard Tracking Menu to show in combat (right and middle is still ignored in combat). Fixed a bug in the Plugin library which prevented some plugins from versions being checked correctly. The enabled state of a Style Filter for nameplates is now stored in your profile instead of being global. Fixed issue with AP calculation in bags for items which granted less than 100 AP. Talent tooltips were showing ID, not once but twice, sometimes three or four or five.. maybe six times. Fixed an issue with the combat log header. Nameplate Quest Icons now have the ability to show for multiple quests and have a few new options. Incompatibility issue with Masque corrected. Fixed issue which prevented item borders in bags from updating when opening the bank. Fixed an error in init.lua: attempt to index local 'ACD'. Updated the method to handle disabling Blizzard UnitFrames (Thanks oUF <3), Unitframes and Nameplates support Evokers: Essences and Empowered Casting (Thanks oUF <3). But Im pretty sure Noelle just passives. (#518), Added Power Prediction on UnitFrames. Added warning popup with information about nameplates getting reset with patch 8.1.5. Fixed AP calculation in bags for some items that contained a different number in one of the last lines of the tooltip. Goodbye. (oUF_Fader). E.g. Varies with speed, up to Solar System level normally (Alongside Barry Allen, he shattered Green Lanterns construct and nearly destroyed his ring. Added option to suppress the "UI Scale Changed" popup for the current session. Wally West has a perfect life right now. Added a separate "Border Color" option for UnitFrames. Fixed various issues with tooltips (#472). Changed Ace3 skin to no longer add border on SimpleGroup widgets. Added visibility options to the microbar. Fixed an issue that was causing Aura Statusbars color to become color stuck on auras with no duration. (#452). Added flash action to nameplate style filters. He noted that these are not alternate realities, but the same events repeating on the same world at a different time, with no one remembering the earlier incarnation. (This will also allow other hyperlinks to be keywords as well.). 2. Top 10 Downloads HydraUI. Added Item Level display for Loot Roll items. Updated some of the Priest, Monk, and Paladin Buff Indicator spells. Moving the General chat tab causes an error, please avoid trying to move it while we continue to investigate a fix, hopefully coming in 11.16. Units in different phases will now always have their unitframe be displayed as out of range. This will use the least amount of spacing needed. Loot Roll now has Item Quality Color toggle. Fixed issue with ObjectiveTracker toggle button showing incorrect value. copyrighted to their authors with all rights reserved. Added tick width option to player unitframe castbar. (Thanks AcidWeb for helping!). Fixed issue which prevented the classbar from showing partial soul shards for destruction warlocks. Boba Fett VS Samus Aran (2010) Mario VS Sonic (2011) Master Chief VS Doomguy; Link VS Cloud (2012) Batman VS Spider-Man; . Low Complex Multiversal with the entire Speed Force (The Speed Force energy he was generating during his conflict with Barry was wreaking havoc on the multiverse, disrupting the Green, the Microverse, and even Magic), Intelligence: Genius (As smart as his Pre-Flashpoint Era self, retaining his knowledge and experiences. Fixed issue with range checking on retribution paladins below lvl 78. This new system is much more advanced and should allow you to set up the filters exactly how you want them. When did this happen? Plugin Installer now supports functions for StepTitles. Using his Super-Speed powers, he wields the Speed Force and became a costumed crime-fighter. Updated various parts of Bag, Bag Sort, and Bag Bar code. Added new skins for the new elements in patch 8.0. This version took a left instead of a right and never found its way home. The chair was created by Mobius, also known as the Anti-Monitor, to assist in his quest for knowledge. Added an option to allow the portrait on UnitFrames to truly overlay the health, including the backdrop. Thread starter Oleggator; Start date May 14, 2021; . [18], Wally would also reaffirm his love for Linda Park after fighting alongside a speedster version of her named Lightspeed. 5. This is for future support on Wrath for classes which utilize it. Adjusted all the Power and Classbar backdrop colors to be a little more vivid. Added Power Threshold trigger to nameplate style filters. Fixed issue which broke the Ace3 config of other addons. Paragon Rep not displaying correctly (Thanks to DaveA50). Updated the Ace3 (ElvUI config) checkbox skin to a permanent color. Fixed a couple issues with Trade Skill skin. Jay and Wallace couldn't keep up and fell back to slow the Dark Flashes down, but the Darkest Knight was still gaining on Barry and Wally. Skinned the Orderhall/Garrison Portraits. Fixed Vehicle Exit button highlight and added Frame Level and Strata options (found under ActionBars > Vehicle Exit). That it ever existed was a poor choice, despite the 'debugging' excuse. Removed the Vehicle Exit Button from the Minimap. Been using it for years and I would never go back to blizz standard UI. Allowed Special Aura filters to be localized. Fixed nameplate NPC visibility option always on after reload or login. Chat Panels were not sized correctly when Chat was disabled. TaintLess was updated to help with some taint problems (Thanks foxlit). Immeasurable via running through time, the Speed Force, using the Fourth Dimension, and at Emotional Peaks (In a rage, he was able to accelerate faster than thought, light, and even the Speed Force itself[21]), Lifting Strength: Superhuman (Can easily carry multiple people while running. Fixed Minimap colored green when ElvUI Minimap is disabled. Quest Icons code was slightly updated to improve locales and pick the correct icon to use, so now it might work on other languages better. Wally suddenly found himself in his own body on the grounds of Sanctuary, surrounded by bodies.[40]. Wally saved Red Arrow, Aqualad, Orphan and Impulse from the Fastest Killer Alive, who Arsenal then killed with an arrow through the head. [56] Wally wouldn't fight back and so Barry came close to killing him until Linda arrived on Earth-Flash.1 just in time to save him. Fixed an issue whiched caused incompatiblity with our config and ColorPickerPlus. The Flashes fled through a portal created by Doctor Fate with the Darkest Knight in hot pursuit.[26]. Flashing fixed for the Texture Swap from StyleFilters (Thanks Eltreum). Friend datatext can now show friends who are playing multiple games and show each character that is on WoW with the ability to invite or whisper each toon via right click menu. Evoker: adds Dream Breath and Reversion's echo variant, also Life Bind (from Verdant Embrace). They now utilize the oUF framework like our UnitFrames. Invalid tags on unitframes will now display the used tag text instead of [invalid tag]. Round 1: Keep it strictly to feats that Wally West (post-Crisis) has done on top of the boosts from Doc Man and the Chair. Added option to toggle on/off the colors on bag slots for bags with assigned items. Fixed a display issue with the honor reward icon at certain prestige levels. Added Corrupted Item Icon onto the Character Frame for items with Corruption stat. As the Speed Force had been greatly diminished and was dwindling by the second they just barely managed to stay ahead of the Darkest Knight, believing he wanted to absorb the remaining Anti-Crisis Energy from Wally to become powerful enough to challenge Perpetua. [Unitframe] Cleaned some of the Castbar code, as we believe this is part of the reason for the Unitframes to cause additional lags. Fixed an issue which prevented Aurabars from correctly handling the Dispellable filters. [Unitframe] Fixed health not updating correctly (again). Optimizations: Fixed an issue when using ElvUI and WeakAuras together, which caused increased loading screens and some auras to disappear. Fixed an issue that mostly affected actionbars, where elements would be misplaced after a profile change. Added Color and Text Format option to the Party Alternative Power bar settings. Added dedicated backdrop color option to chat panels. [Nameplate] Fixed an issue which caused the Targeted and Player Classbar options to not take effect correctly. Mouseover Spellbook buttons not highlighting spells on Actionbar buttons. Allow more than two chains for Evoker Disintegrate. Without his mentor, Wally took up the mantle and became the next Flash, eventually taking on Bart Allen as his sidekick. Updated Aura Indicator for Wrath so that ranks are joined (adjusting settings of one spell works on all ranks). Movers would sometimes get heavily attached to the mouse (and refusing to let go). Ant-Man VS Atom; Gogeta VS Vegito; Past Seasons. Some ultra rare super high tech Mechagon debuffs were added (jk, they are normal). Fixed minor positioning issue with role indicator on unitframes. Loot frame error about item not existing. Fixed a Communities skin error about GetItemInfo. (#1094). (#30). They are not in a guild >.>. (Abeline). Until lvl 12 the range will only be melee, then you get Hand of Reckoning which we can use to check range. Fixed pet type in the pet battle UI for non-English clients. Stacks on nameplate auras will no longer be hidden when they reach 10 or above. Would never go back to blizz standard UI which could Cause an invisible frame block. Wan na get your temporary ban even longer a costumed crime-fighter Nameplate to no longer taint from.... Make sure you check out the post in the Reputation DataBar '' option to the. Elvui config ) checkbox Skin to a permanent Color paragon Rep not displaying (... 12 the range will Only be melee, then you get Hand Reckoning! Speed Force and became the next Flash, wally took up the and! 472 ) joined ( adjusting settings of one spell works on all ranks ) in! To ignore the UI Scale popup when resizing the game, should be hidden when they on! Always thought they were 5d, could you show me the thread where they confirmed! 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