Michael Higham, FEBRUARY 3, 2022 In Final Fantasy XIV, you have tanks to take the hits and healers to keep everyone alive. The white mage class (WHM) is deceptively one of the most beginner friendly and yet uniquely obtuse healer jobs in the game. However, this spell makes you self-sufficient. If not, then don something with bonuses to your stats. Beastmaster provides a weak Widescan, allowing you to find monsters easier too. The extra Magic Points over a White Mage sub allowed me to use an additional spell or two. The Blue Mage is a hybrid job class in Final Fantasy XI (FFXI) that offers a unique and diverse playstyle. Head back to Waoud and receive your reward. However, Dragoon has one of the best sets of support job equipment such as the Wyvern Earring that provides +5% Haste, the Wyvern Mantle that provides +6 attack, and the Wyvern Targe that provides a Haste+1% buff. If you've got merits to spare, Evasion, Parrying, and Critical Hit Rate are great for any situation. Blue Mage Abilities and Traits Unlike other jobs, Blue Mage must select which spells and job traits to go into battle with via the magic menu set spells. will find a new place for the merit category once I figure out where to put it, I kinda thought about those. I would choose a Dark Knight sub over this for increase meleeing ability. If you find yourself taking a lot of hits for whatever reason, switch to something with higher defense. If someone can make the rules I'll spend the next hour dumping all that info into the gearsets. Low level Blue Mage can easily tank; keeping hate is also relatively simple through BLU attack spells. Note that their consumption of MP doesn't change, so you can run out of the precious resource if you get too spam-happy. While not necessary, it will speed up the party and allow you to use your MP as you feel fit. Blue Mage is a very interesting job in that it doesnt get a, Spells. Effect: Makes it possible for your next "Physical" Blue Magic spell to be used in a Skillchain. Blue Mage is a magical ranged limited job in Final Fantasy XIV that specializes in learning the spells of the enemies they've defeated in the past. It has also been shown that SquareEnix's wording on the offical Final Fantasy XI site was misunderstood. For Healing based magic attacks, macro in MND. At level 60, you get Death Scissors and Dimensional Death for good Sneak Attack candidates. However, the level difference between you and your Automaton becomes a significant challenge past level 10. However, the stat "Attack" will not affect these. Leveling a FFXIV Blue Mage may seem very intimidating; however, some players reach maximum level with the character within a few hours. If that isnt enough, high intelligence also means even higher magical spell potency. After that, I strongly recommend Diffusion to level 4 or 5, with the remaining point (if any) going into Convergence. I believe one of the spell lists is nicely colored to include the element of each ability. In Dvucca Isle, talk to Nahshib. But strangely enough it's not quite even to Lv.15 Red Mage standards. "Nii'd" I say more? Once you hit Lv.70, this support job makes a great way of tanking. It's around this point that Blue Mage starts to transition from tedious to straight fun. With Addendum:White and Addendum:Black, Blue Mage gets a lot of other abilities otherwise exclusive to other magic users. Standing always strong are the indomitable Galka. I feel that Dark Knight would provide better boosts to a melee heavy Blue Mage, while Red Mage would be better for those who are heavier on casting, but still enjoy to melee (more casting would require more resting, unless you have Refresh and Juices). Elvaans can use gear to raise INT so every magical spell lands as well. You can give all of the mages Ballad for Refresh and all of the front-line fighters enhancements to attack or accuracy. You're better off just subbing Red Mage until you get some job points for the free extra tiers. How to unlock the Blue Mage in FFXIV To unlock the Blue Mage, you'll first need to complete two major milestones that shouldn't be a problem for veterans but will take a very long time for. MP Drainkiss (Leeches) at level 42 is fun to use. There's almost no reason to not have it equipped at any time. Both appear to be ranged attacks. If, however, you want to sub this job later on, Warrior does still have its uses. By this point you've already got a hefty repertoire of spells, including some enfeebles, damage-inflicting spells, and self-sufficiency through heals and buffs. It isn't super potent, and it does fall off in effectiveness come the later levels, but it's pretty darn good for only 3 set points. And strangely enough, your healing Blue Magic spells are affected by Healing Magic Skill, which can be raised to a "B+" with Light Arts. You needn't wear the Magus Bazubands when the enemy uses the attack, but have a macro to swap them in just before the enemy is defeated. Blue Mage is one of the most versatile and well-rounded jobs in Final Fantasy XI. Save your party, and perhaps all the fake internet fame and cyber sex could just be yours yet. I've seen strong arguments for going full-out into the recast timers and other strong arguments for going full-out into the potency and accuracy. And in Azouph Isle, talk to Nareema. He will return the item to you and you must then bring it to the pool in Aydeewa Subterrane. Final Fantasy XIV is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) set in the fantasy realm of Eorzea.. There are eleven of these spells currently: White Wind, Off-guard, Transfusion, Mighty Guard, Moon Flute, Doom, Revenge Blast, Angel Whisper, Angel's Snack, Dragon Force, and Matra Magic. You will also receive an increased INT stat. Its a great weapon and youll surely use it for a few levels at least. For example, if you set Uppercut as a damaging spell, you might want to equip Battle Dance. Awesome awesome awesome! So much damage in fact that your biggest danger is simply pulling too much enmity. FFXIclopedia is a FANDOM Games Community. A Job Trait will unlock with 8 points, and most spells contribute 4. Also Elemental Seal is useful since it provides almost 100% accuracy on the next spell you cast. The "golden sand found on a certain beach" is a pinch of Valkurm Sunsand which may be found at the crashed boat south of Selbina in Valkurm Dunes (it may also be purchased at the Auction House). For a more indepth look, view one of the threads under A02: Blue Mage Spells. This spell is as spammable as Head Butt and deals truly bonkers damage at this point in the game. This trait will help increase your TP and even stop spell interruptions when you do block with a shield. For example, if your skill is capped at 63 for Lv.20, you can learn a spell that can be used at Lv.30. One can effectively give each mage a much greater MP recovered while healing, and all of the front-line fighters extra attack, extra accuracy, or extra some other stuff if you do want to. They tend have spells miss. That's the only weapon skill you'll ever have natural access to in order to open the Fragmentation skillchain. Also, Scholar will even provide Regen II at an early enough level to be used at Lv.74. This guide takes you through basics of clearing dungeons alone as sole Blue Mage in Final Fantasy XIV (mostly to get the associated skills from them). To put into relative perspective the true damage differential, I'll give an example from my own test trials. Description. In addition, you get the extended line of status curative -na spells, which are incredibly helpful while fighting alone. If you're still subbing Ninja, level 74 is also when you gain access to Utsusemi: Ni. I'll be using this guide for sure. By level 75 you can also equip Temporal Shift (Phuabo) which is another spell that contributes 4 points, letting you replace the previously-required 18 set points with only 9. If for any reason you fail, you may try again the next in-game day for 1000 gil. A: Yes, this is true. Job: --Select Job-- Bard Beastmaster Black Mage Blue Mage Corsair Dancer Dark Knight Dragoon Geomancer Monk Ninja Paladin Puppetmaster Ranger Red Mage Rune Fencer Samurai Scholar Summoner Thief Warrior White Mage. The How-To Guides are user created guides editable by anyone. you can stop an attack in its tracks and strike an enemy instead. One thing this two-hour does is eliminate the "family" of each spell. Also with brutal earring an and haste gear and rajas, I build TP fast enough to vorpal blade for 400-600 before Chain Affinity is even back up, count in the better acc of the gear, dual wield 15% melee haste, 10% from refueling 5% for wahlran, 3% for dusk, 4% from swift, and 5% double attack from brutal, thats 38% more attacks, for 24 less str than a thf sub with far more acc, so hit rate is even better. Samurai provides its user with a ton of TP. Any breath-type spell is affected solely by the users current hit points, so both inducing Monks high HP and Max HP Boost trait will enhance any attacks of that sort. At higher levels you may combine more spells to increase the potency of your Attack Bonus trait! You can also get the useful spell Raise at Lv.50 and at the same time a free Auto-Regen, also saving Set Points and spell slots. Blue Mages are capable of dealing heavy physical or magical damage, healing and support, debuffing, or tanking. Bookmarked. It barely raises your WS frequency at all, in some cases it even lowers it. High mind means more potency from your healing magic as well! Boosting yourself with Cocoon, Protect, and Defender will significantly enhance this spell. Dancer and Summoner get a few nice boosts as well. Even though most of the subbed spells will be resisted, Stun will be able to land for a fraction of a second which can be used with Head Butt as a slightly longer, better stun. Dont forget that Cannonball is based almost entirely on the users defense, strength, and vitality; meaning if you use Defender before Cannonball, you can expect some a nice damage boost. If you fail to in any other way avoid an attack (Utsusemi, evasion, parrying, etc.) With a simple set up, I prep before each battle by casting utsutsemi, refueling (which is a MUST have once you hit lvl 48) and then metallic body which is a spell I've constantly used since lvl 8. Finally, level 38 brings Jet Stream (Trio Bats), which is a spell that costs a lot of MP and uses a lot of SP, but has high damage output. Blue Mage is an advanced job added in Treasures of Aht Urhgan expansion of Final Fantasy XI. You needn't rely on your party's support to keep you hasted, if you have one at all. Another important Lv.74 spell is Magic Hammer, learned from Poroggos. It will save you and your party (or trusts) a ton of MP on healing. Dark Knight also has a number of spells, albeit generally useless. Swords may also both open and close tons of different skillchains, including both Light and Darkness, and have a massive range of weapon skill effects including physical damage, elemental damage, stuns, area damage, and HP drain! Levels 66 and 68 offer two more spells that may be swapped or combined to make up to a second tier of Conserve MP. MP is also critical, especially in the earlier levels. In addition to being a area sleep spell that you may use to replace Sheep Song, when combined with Poison Breath (Hounds) it grants you Clear Mind, which reduces downtime by increasing how much MP you regenerate while healing. The head piece sadly doesn't get as much use as one would hope. Use it wisely! I've found BST to be the best support job so far for soloing, and acquiring spells. Level 58 also provides Magic Fruit from Opo-opos, which is one of those spells you will likely never take from your set. /PUP: The Automaton is nearly as strong as you are for the first couple of levels, and even up to level 10 will be a potent tank while you are soloing, thanks to certain Attachments - in particular, the Shock Absorber produces a 100HP Stoneskin for your Automaton at any level. It's roughly equal to Cure IV and contributes to Resist Sleep to boot! Your bread and butter damage comes from Sneak Attack+Death Scissors. The only other argument that I can make is that at later levels you can use your ninja sub for sneak/invis without worrying about it lowering your mp. Cure II becomes available at main job level 22, and Cure III becomes available at 42. As Puppetmaster, you can in fact call your automaton and equip it with a wide variety of things. Pro-Tip: Using a really weak weapon is a good way to feed the monster TP without killing it too quickly. Death Force. But some situations may call for Scholar or Red Mage. That means the only types of armor it cant wear are the heavy-duty plate armor worn by jobs like Paladin and Dark Knight. Moreover, it contributes 4 points towards Auto-Refresh, making it capable of replacing up to 3 spells and refunding up to 4 set points. Turn left and head towards the pool, stepping on a platform that looks like a teleporter. Physical Blue Magic attacks act like a weaponskill. Physical Blue Magic skills are based off of your weapon skill. After that, a quick trip to Ronfaure or so to wrap-up Sandspin (Worms), Power Attack (Beetles), and Queasyshroom (Fungaur) will round out your first 11 levels' worth of spells. /NIN: Many people are already seen Ninja as a viable subjob. These formidable fighter-mages employ elegantly curved blades for close combat, while decimating their enemies from afar with fell magic mastered from their opponents. For attack magic, macro in INT. Cast: Instant Remember that certain spells will combine to make Job Traits. Blue Mage has an A+ proficiency with one-handed swords and a B- with clubs. Make sure you use your attack Blue Magic. With this veritable buffet of equipment, it might even be a good idea to have a few pieces for each slot handy. However the additional SATA dmage over a spell is usually not that much higher then a well equiped /nin. A large amount of Blue Mages have been seen using this combo. That said, some excellent spell options make an appearance in most Blue Mage builds. It's a costly 5 set points, but provides some decent stats and inflicts reasonable damage for its 61 MP cost. You gain your first non-SP ability at level 25: Burst Affinity! Level 50 unlocks a lot of power in a lot of different support jobs. Spell Name. /BST: Subbing Beastmaster will allow you to use a pet to tank a mob while you rest and try to learn abilities. This is a great sub for players that pace themselves and NOT spam their MP away. Finally the spells that this sub provides: Drain, Aspir, Warp, and Bio. Outright avoiding attacks and feeding fewer TP to the enemy just means less worrying about nasty status effects and the like too! This means that at almost all times you will want to have a sword in your main hand. Choose Gaze Away and then wait three in-game days. Forgot I made a converter from console lines to spellast. Unlike its binary choice in weapons, Blue Mage has an enormous selection when it comes to armor. We all hear about how Blu's land SACA vertical cleave on IT mobs for 1.5k+ at 300 TP, what we don't hear however is that these blus take nearly 10 mins to build that much TP, and that any nuke not stacked with SA is severely gimped, because all gear is stacked directly t'words str, with little to know acc+. I was able to solo from level 15 to 16 resting for MP only one time with this method. Remember that certain creatures have MP even if they don't cast spells, such as Beetles. The Blue Mage is almost like a separate entity within the game of Final Fantasy 14 a fun side dish, not the main course. Though Frost Breath (Raptors, Lv.66) and Firespit (Mamool-Ja, Lv.68) cost a lot of set points and aren't as useful as the other two. Its element is light and it has a pretty significant range and duration. After the third day, talk to him again and choose Gaze Away one more time. You may equip Conserve MP at level 65 with Chaotic Eye and Zephyr Mantle (Puks). [pre]. You will ofcourse have to choose your subs your self, but i did level 30-74 as /THF and stronglu recomend it as a way to get the most out of your MP. Sickle Slash from level 48 and now Tail Slap from Merrows. Cast: Instant Nasomi Community FFXI Server Board index International Jobs Blue Mage. The number of Set Points and the number of Set slots you have increases as you level (see Blue Mage Set Points link). I sometimes use Healing Breeze to help out with healing (Yuhtunga Jungle currently) after getting hit with Blast Bomb. Also unusual is its secondary modifier of Defense. Your teammates will thank you! Target gains immunity to Death spells and effects. Sprout Smack makes for an effective Slow and Power Attack deals good damage. While this may look limiting, swords are inherently one of the most versatile weapons in the game, with a huge array of choice between raw damage-per-second, stat-loaded varieties, and everything in-between. did some general proofreading to correct my "writing this at 4AM" mistakes. Choco Halo. In Patch 4.5, by popular demand, Blue Mage (BLU) has been added to FFXIV Stormblood. Level (1-99) It's so much fun, ws frequency is doubled with it, really. I wouldn't do this combo for learning spells though (at this lvl) cause it won't help a ton, /nin is better for that. This one affects your next "physical" spell, amplifying its ability modifiers and consuming all of your current TP to unleash it like a weapon skill. :<. After reading this part of the guide, I just had to stop and go OMG! When it is not needed, you will be able to use attack food. Here are my results. Basically, your spells work like your weapon- the higher accuracy, the more accurate your spells are. Each spell comes with attribute bonuses and job traits, adding to its utility and adaptability. These guides are all useful in learning to understand the Blue Mage job. FnDragon - BLU75/THF37 Simply equip yourself appropriately for the adventure and you won't have to compensate for anything! From an observational standpoint both of these subs are the top two used and are situational depending on your tastes with how you play the job. Duration: 0:00:30 FFXIclopedia is a FANDOM Games Community. Be sure to include the level range, area, and jobs in the party. With higher-end Fast Cast you can cast Head Butt again shortly after the stun effect wears off from the last time. Fast Blade to Foot Kick will create Detonation, and then Queasyshroom will create Gravitation! I was hoping this would be the case. Agility reduces how much TP you feed your target, and along with Vitality and HP can help you stay alive. An illustrated guide to hunting Blue Magic Spells Also at Level 74-75 you can solo Imp's in MIre and the shadows help during your spell zerg. /NIN can allow you at level 24 (thanks to utsutsemi) to take on mobs that should be out of your league with little to no damage. Name: Azure Lore I have yet to find a situation in wich NOT to equip Refueling, except in partys where you have a RDM or WHM that actually keeps you Hasted all the time. In XP parties this sub shines against Imps because Ninja simply has no job abilities to deactivate via amnesia. Around level 40 you start getting good one-shot physical spells such as Sickle Slash and Mandibular Bite. With the one minute recast timer on Sneak Attack, Blue Mage will be able to take advantage of it whenever it is up. In fact, Drain and Aspir are commonly resisted unless fighting Easy Prey/Too Weak monsters. At this point you will receive a cutscene. Bard wont give you a lot of useful abilities for your level, and you wont even be allowed to use more than one song at a time. Where this support job shines is in its ability to enhance the overall speed of your spellcasting. This requires that the Blue Magic you are using is of the correct element to burst on the skillchain. Blue Magic functions differently than any other magic in the game. Pro-Tip: Any amount of damage will be enough to feed a monster TP. It's a light-elemental Aspir spell that also inflicts damage. For races other then Mithra, Dex should be slightly higher then the STR, this way every sword hit, hits, and every pysical spell lands. Consider your level cap and support job, your party's formation and positioning, and your target's strengths, weaknesses, and monster family. You may say that those haste values can be applied to thf sub with equal gear swaps, but in order to reach the +str value of +68, brutal, wahlran, dusk, and swift belt and Ulthimas must be swapped out, and refueling doesn't fit into a spell set up with that high of str, even with capped assimilation, and no dual wield means 15% less attack speed. This support job is generally like White Mage, except you dont get the same kind of support spells as it does. You can Charm the monster you want to learn the spell from, and then send it off to attack another of the same type. First, bring multiple types of food. There are several key points that distinguish it from other jobs. One of the best support jobs in the game for any Blue Mage Lv.60 or higher. My /THF works just like my /NIN, except if there is a good opportunity i will fire of a SA single spell, maybe even chain affinity it.. but not always. 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