Every time he sings a word of praise to God the enemy cringes. The Leviathan and Jezebel spirits can often operate together in a persons life and cause destruction. Physical & emotional exhaustion. It is responsible for nearly all, if not all, divorces. Protect and guide me in spiritual warfare against my enemies. In this way the term is different from other supposed oppressive spirits, which may be given individual names such as Jezebel, Leviathan, Absalom, Python, and so forth. As believers we need to remain in the Spirit so that we dont give into the demands and false power of the Leviathan. Principalities are a higher rank of demonic power. Some don't fight at all. The Leviathan serves as a reminder that no creature or force has absolute control over us; only God can have the final say. We must remember that God alone knows what is best for us! One of the primary missions of this demonic spirit is to destroy and break covenants. My tribe has a traditional oral story of Chemosi, a monster-like entity that was feared by many. Praise God! i.e. The good news is that I know more churches spearhead mental health and, at times, provide counseling with a licensed and trained professional, offering classes, courses, and groups to walk through a healing journey. They worshiped Leviathan as the great serpent in their rivers that was responsible for prosperity and commerce. It observes all the lofty (thinking they are better than others); he is a king over all the children of pride. Job 41:34. Thank you for taking the time to read. Im African and from a very traditional tribal background. Do not let them introduce you to drugs and lifestyles with sexual perversion. In most cases, marine spirit is meant as a generic term rather than as a reference to one, unique, named demon. Since Jesus died on the cross, we can go to God ourselves to obtain grace, mercy, and help in a time of need. What Do We Learn from Reading Jesus Genealogy? Even people who believe in Jesus can still be possessed by spirits. It was commonplace in the Bible for the prophet to go places and tell the people what thus said the Lord. I feel like he is sucking the life out of me if I am being completely honest. Some may dismiss this as a strange or counter-cultural topic, so ask the Holy Spirit to guide you in all truth. That individual cannot stand for there to be peace. Why are the tent Evangelism Giant George Verwer Dies at 84, Morning Rundown: Jonathan Cahns Prophetic Insights for Christians Worldwide, Too Close for Comfort: Transformation Churchs Easter Service Eerily Similar to Recent Satanic Grammys, Top of the Week: Glenn Beck: Nefarious Movie, Preparing the Way for the Return of Jesus. Because of the way that Leviathan works, the longer we wait, the harder it gets to take the spiritual steps needed to get rid of its influence. The University of Memphis alumnae has been in education for about 20 years after receiving the call to teach. Forgive me for any ways that I have served this spirit or any others working with it. Matthew 12:43-45 talks about this very thing: Now whenever an unclean spirit has gone out of a person, it travels through waterless places searching for rest, and does not find it. And, please pray. https://youtu.be/c0ycO6OUtv0 Too many people don't know how to fight the good fight of faith. Isaiah 27:1 On that day, Yahweh will punish with his cruel, great and strong sword, Any type of correction is twisted, and the bringer becomes the enemy causing disunity, To get things to go their way, they manipulate. Each child in the tribe is given the story via oral literature at an early age. These divisions cause hardness of heart, and in marriage, divorce. Dr. Sandra Hamer Smith is a Christian and wife to Sylvester Smith. Other physical manifestations of the Leviathan spirit include pain and stiffness in the neck and shoulder area. My sisters also have this demon. Then it says, I will return to my house from which I came out. And when it arrives, it finds the house unoccupied and swept and put in order. The scales wont let the Holy spirit in, blocking Him out. More than likely, it was a powerful and untamable sea creature with scary teeth (The KJV Study Bible, Barbour Publishing, 2011). How do we go about overcoming a Leviathan spirit? Do you feel like youre constantly at war? In fact, the scales block the expression of the real person trapped inside of them too. . If we can do this, we can break Leviathans chains and ensure that our voices are heard. There is a spirit of perversion that is sweeping across our nation. Confusion causes unrest. God is not a liar. Its fiery breath, swift feet, and terrifying eyes give it a certain character that cannot be ignored. What does this look like in a person operating under the Leviathan spirit? I beg for change and never feel it and Never hear God or truly feel Him. I loose a humble and contrite spirit in me. Thank you very much for this message Ive been struggling with this for about 8 months. So it will be for this evil generation also!. (Insert dramatic music). After all of their natural weapons have failed against it, the Warrior flees from Leviathan. The spirit of Leviathan is very effective at separating people from their relationship with God. Strife is also one of his favorite methods of destruction. 2. The Leviathan spirit is more about pride, control, aggression, and greed which can lead to domination and control (over a person or entire nation). This includes relationships, finances, dreams and goals, possessions, reputations, inner peace, and the gift of eternal life in heaven. We must rely on Jesus, what he did on the cross for mankind, and the power of God to slay this dragon. The same chapter in Job also associates Leviathan with pride, and some believe that pride and stubbornness are manifestations of a spiritual attack by Leviathan. You might just find something that helps bring clarity into your life. Leviathan is more than a sea monster, he is a principality. However, how many topics have been given this label throughout history, but have since been accepted into mainstream conversations? Rejection then opens the door to a spirit of pride and offers pride as a false fix (an angel of light) for rejection. It talks of missionaries and locals who tell stories of their findings of this creaturein the recent past! Glenn Beck: 'Nefarious' Movie, Preparing the Way for the Return of Jesus https://youtu.be/dnsduAMSgDM The topic of https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sm2VBmV6fK4 What Marcus Rogers saw from Transformation Churchs Easter Play Ransom not only shocked him when he saw it online, but it also grieved his souldeeply. Watch the video to see what they are. Help me to recognize their lies and manipulations and to stand guard against them. This is a war in your mind, and you must put forth the effort to take those thoughts that dont line up with the Bible by force. In the apocryphal book of 2 Esdras 6:49-52, we read once again about Leviathan. And while I understand that some people like to have a plan and stick to it, it's important to understand that things change and that . I am so glad that I was born after Christ. This creature seemingly cannot be stopped, no matter how hard someone may try; its strength is too great for any mortal man or creature to contain or even begin to understand. Leviathan wants nothing more than to kill, steal, and destroy anything of meaning or value in a persons life. Now, look at this scripture where Jesus is speaking: Again, truly I say to you that if two of you agree on earth about any matter that they ask, it will be done for them from my Father who is in heaven. (Matthew 18:19). He has always been this way (he was sexually abused as a child). Leviathan is a mocking spirit. For the dumb water and without life brought forth living things at the commandment of God, that all people might praise thy wondrous works. I asked God a simple question. But how can a believer recognize what is leviathan? It must be renounced completely. LEVIATHAN IS A HIDDEN ENEMY IN THE BODY OF CHRIST This power demon wars against the true Bride of Christ and is hidden in almost every church or ministry. Lets move on to the 12 characteristics of a Leviathan spirit that are commonly seen in its daily operation. The most detailed description of Leviathan can be found in the 41st chapter of the book of Job, in which God asks Job if he can handle a battle with this apparently unbeatable monster. In the mighty name of Jesus, I command you to go and never return!! Leviathan is the ancient force of chaos that has been around since before God made mankind. We can trust in Him for ultimate victory, no matter how dire the circumstances may be. Captive is one forcibly taken in war. Please read this article about the Mokele-Mbembe in Congo (not so fast- read after this blog post, LOL). They dont have empathy and have a hard time seeing things from another persons point of view. Leviathan is described as exhaling smoke and having scales, breath like hot coals and sharp teeth that are "terrible round about." So my point was to let you know that the descriptions of these mythological creatures in the previous section are really similar to what the Bible describes as the Leviathan. Spirits of infirmity must sometimes be cast out for healing to be released and some situations are "this kind.". Gonna reblog it AFTER I reblog about the Jezebel Spirit. This post is all about the Leviathan spirit, African oral literature and other mythologies, The questions God asked Job concerning Leviathan, 15 Characteristics of the Leviathan spirit, Leviathans control and confusion via the airwaves, Difference between Jezebel and Leviathan Spirit and how they can operate together, And thats it, folks, the Leviathan spirit, What is your name? Rabbi Jonathan Cahn shares the reasons he Everyone deals with emotional pain to some degree. We really do not have an excuse not to be saved. Leviathan is described as exhaling smoke and having scales, breath like hot coals and sharp teeth that are "terrible round about." His back has rows of shields tightly sealed together. What makes these stories so powerful and lasting is that they remind us we live in a spiritual world. Like impure silver, which overlays an earthen vessel, so are smooth lips and an evil heart. Here's a quick rundown of the top stories oncharismamag.com: Swallow Hard, Die to Your Fears and Speak With Courage Last week I was the guest speaker for the Monday morning chapel at Christ for the Nations Institute in Dallas. Scripture says that Ahab did more to provoke the Lord God of Israel than all the kings of Israel that came before him (1 Kings 16:33). This combination allows those who have been influenced by these spirits to be able to control and direct the lives of others. Again, this shows that as Christians we need to rely on God- our strength! Spirit of Leviathan, in the name of Jesus, I bind you and all the spirits operating with and for you together, now. For example, a husband who has been charged with leading his family and is also a leader in his job or the community. Ive started with all kinds of mythologies. They must obey; they dont have a choice when a child of God wields the power given to them to use against spiritual wickedness by Jesus death and sacrifice on the cross. Then it goes and brings along with itself seven other spirits more evil than itself, and they go in and live there. But when we got the way to be delivered, the power that the prayer held delivered me and set me free. Job 41:22-23 says, Strength abides in its neck, and dismay dances before it. God bless you also! Only by doing this, we can protect ourselves from being taken advantage of by demonic spirits or other forms of spiritual oppression. Let me give you a five-minute primer on spiritual warfare. So what you have highlighted is a true concern. All proud, self-righteous, and independent attitudes must be broken off. A more secular view of Leviathan was the 1651 treatise by philosopher Thomas Hobbes, called "The Leviathan." Pride. This idea is still very relevant and very much alive today, as we can see with fear tactics and manipulation being used to maintain control. No natural weapon will work. Its mighty claws and sharp teeth can break through even the toughest of defenses, while its enormous size allows it to crush whatever stands in its way. Also, the Egyptians believed they created the rivers just because they learned how to control the rivers for their purposes (29:9). Whether its a difficult relationship, an addiction, abuse, depression it can cripple us and prevent us from moving forward. Jesus told them that they had unbelief. You must use spiritual weapons to fight. Leviathan can also cause people to doubt Gods goodness and love for them. The spirit of Leviathan is described in Job 41 as a proud creature, with its "back filled with rows of shields" that spark fear and awe in even the bravest men. Everything seems to break at once. We have access to Bibles, ministries, television, and radio. The higher Leviathan can bring him up, the further he can fall (with witnesses) when the principality decides to turn on him. Someone can tell them something, and they hear something totally different. Following are snippets of the top stories posted oncharismamag.com over the past week. He is still sovereign and has the power to overcome any obstacle. Its heart is cast as stone; yes, it is cast as the lower millstone. Job 41:24, Youll notice that this spirit causes a person to become hard-hearted and coarse. You cannot play around with this spirit; it would be dangerous to attempt to do so. Fast for three days and there is no telling what might happen. Put on the full armor of God, so that you may be able to stand against the stratagems of the devil because our struggle is not against blood and flesh, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places. We are going to break all covenants/agreements weve made with them, no matter how subtle they may have been. However, He told them, that particular spirit would not go out unless you fast and pray. This causes major division in relationships. Thomas Hobbes work, Leviathan, examines the power of control in a world of confusion. She is the author of the self-published novel GLORYTHE HAIR. Here's a quick rundown of the top stories oncharismamag.com: Jonathan Cahn's Prophetic Insights for Christians Worldwide https://youtu.be/_TMhHIqfrrA As the United States continues to reel from the recent school shooting in Nashville, Tennessee, the question remains At the Grammys in March, English singer Sam Smith put on a center-stage performance that glorified satanic rituals, wearing a skin-tight leather outfit as he sang his song, "Unholy." Christians need to be aware of the dangers posed by this combination in order to protect themselves from falling into its traps. But Seriously, we are examining a popular charismatic teaching on "the Leviathan sp. Luke 11:26 Then it goes and takes seven other spirits more wicked than itself, and they go in and live there. People who have a murderous spirit and shed innocent blood open themselves up to demonic spirits or may already be possessed by one. You need to stay full of the Holy Spirit and on guard. If so, you may be dealing with a leviathan spirit.This spirit is one of the most powerful and de. This will help ensure that our opinions are not being influenced by outside forces and allow us to form our own views on topics. This destroys relationships and creates division. 2020 Leaf Group Ltd. / Leaf Group Media, All Rights Reserved. Gods questions to Job also remind us that no matter how tough our situation or how powerful our opposition may seem, we can trust in God for ultimate victory. On his lips, an enemy will pretend, but inside he will harbor deceit. My husband and I were talking about our oldest daughter and I asked that whatever spirit it is to be revealed, and I heard as clear as day the spirit of leviathan, and lo and behold it was ME! Jezebel sent a messenger to Elijah and promised to kill him by the next day at the same time. The devil or Satan is often referred to as the great dragon. It cannot be wrong or at fault for anything; its too good for that above it all. Butcan I stress that none compares to our God- Elohim- Maker of Heaven and Earth! I can see the traits in my boys, all in their 20s, so adult children. Televangelist Jim Bakker says there are 12 specific characteristics that define a leviathan spirit. Read 2 Corinthians 10. This is a requirement to proceed to step 3. Step 1: Personally affirm your faith in Christ. He genuinely believes he is saved, and is on the right path, but he isnt Holy Spirit lead. At one point while releasing this prophetic word, I shuddered. Despite its strength and propensity for violence, the spirit of Leviathan is seen as majestic. But how can a believer recognize what is leviathan? The truth is we live in a spiritual world. Based on the Word Net lexical database for the English Language. Other manifestations of the Leviathan spirit include the inability to concentrate on studying the Bible or other spiritual goals, and learning disabilities affecting children. It is like armor! Put on your armor and take authority over evil spirits! I am really struggling to communicate with him. 2 Esdras was in the original 1611 King James Bible; it talks about Leviathan being created by God before man existed. What Does It Mean That "Your Life Is Hidden with Christ"? His power will also fight against oppressive spirits that might be hindering you. P.S. Better it is to be of a lowly (humble) spirit with the poor than to divide the spoil with the proud. Proverbs 16:18-19. It may be difficult to see beyond the noise- so I want to acknowledge that I see you and hear you! by Charisma Magazine Staff | Aug 10, 2018 | Video. Much of what we know about the characteristics of a leviathan spirit come from theologians and biblical scholars. Even the mightiest of creatures are nothing compared to the power of the Almighty. I believe my other posts on Spiritual Warfare would overlap here, but counseling and discernment are true anchors. The Argument from Contingency: A Proof for God, 6 Verses to Cling to When You Are Overwhelmed. , Regarding Leviathan, I must acknowledge that it has a spiritual and mental element. We have to read the word, pray, and ask God for His spirit. We have a sure and faithful God, and we can trust in Him for deliverance. First, I want to pause and acknowledge the depth and sensitivity of this comment.I want to let whoever is in this situation know that they are LOVED and WORTHY. Congratulations, I particularly enjoyed this read. However, let us understand that this is all counterfeit majesty that the Spirit will portray. Hes like a sleeping pet who is comfortable in the home environment, especially Christian homes! The good person from his good treasury brings out good things, and the evil person from his evil treasury brings out evil things. And by the authority that the power of God has been in you, you are going to have to stand up and choose a side. Dr. Smith primarily teaches language arts. Even though it is a powerful creature, Leviathan still bows before Gods might. The leviathan spirit is supposedly the cause of twisting the meaning of people's words, turning people against each other, and instigating unrest. Discernment is key, and I wrote about this in-depth in the link I will provide. It has been this way for 13 years, since we met. Before we get into the characteristics of a Leviathan spirit, I think its essential to look at the scriptures in the Bible that mention this creature/entity. Learnt a lot, heheh! Leviathan uses contention and misunderstanding to destroy communication between people and God. WOW, what a revelation into the unseen principality of leviathan. Lets look at a few books. It whispers, You are really somebody, You are special and not like anyone else. It causes the person to commit idolatry via self-worship. Will he make many supplications to you? Will he speak to you soft words? (Job 41:3) This speaks to the submission of Leviathan and its recognition of Gods power. Leviathan Spirit Prideful (think they are better than someone else, opposite of humble) False humility Twists communication in their minds Wraps around spine and twists Back / neck pain Headaches Insomnia Causes drowsiness when reading Bible or Christian books Scoliosis Fibromyalgia Many other sicknesses / diseases / afflictions Can you draw out Leviathan with a fishhook? (Job 41:1) This question speaks to the power of God as He created Leviathan, a creature so big and powerful that mere humans could not control it. Pornography breeds lust of eyes that simply led to Adultery and Fornication of the Mind. The Leviathan Spirit is seen one of the most powerful forces in biblical literature. The Leviathan Spirit is perceived as the ultimate authority in its domain, reigning with an iron fist. Other gods include Leviathan, pride, and self. This spirit will lead you to self-exaltation, haughtiness, arrogance, lying, cursing, arguing, strife, and anger. Chop them down with the Sword of the Spirit by speaking what God says. Critical thinking and using discernment (that comes from the Holy Spirit) are key. I refuse to let this evil entity break my marriage up, my aim is to continue to try and help my husband (with the Lords strength). What started this explosive combination of fire, deliverance, miracles and mass conversions? If you are a Christian, stay one. Ultimately, these spirits can be cast out and defeated through prayer, fasting, and reliance on Gods infallible Word and strength. The Shocking Transformation of Michael Todds Easter Service, Jonathan Cahns Prophetic Warnings for Christians Worldwide. We should always be in awe of Gods might and recognize His authority and hierachy over all things. He just refuses to listen. If so, you may be dealing with a leviathan spirit. God is saying something They will be able to feel major resistance rise up inside of them in these types of situations. In one remarkable passage, we find the great Dragon, the Serpent of old who is called the Devil and Satan. The names Devil and Satan are used interchangeably without apparent difference in meaning. Why would every culture have the same variation of these stories? Who knows? The Tennessee native is a member of Temple of Deliverance COGIC, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Inc, Omicron Delta Kappa, The Golden Key International Honour Society, and Kappa Delta Pi. I command you to cease your activities and operations in my mind and life and in those that I have influenced! In essence, the person is trapped inside, and their authentic self cannot get out. This spirit is one of the most powerful and destructive spirits in the spiritual realm because he is an ancient high-ruling demonic prince in the. 2. Pulling away from godly relationships. The young lady could foretell the future. He will keep you safe and give you peace. Hello, thank you for your comment. Whether or not this being was intended to be interpreted literally or figuratively is up for debate, but either way provides insight into the nature of evil. I have seen enough movies to know that his son was no doubt possessed by a demonic spirit. According to Hobbes, the "body politic" of a government contains immense power but that power can only be exercised when the body is unified under a strong leader, symbolized by the serpent's head. His fierceness prevents any man from taming him. The references in the Bible to Leviathan have to do with a description of an animal similar to a crocodile. Therefore, Believers need to be totally dependent on God when it comes to this Spirit! A person working under the influence of Leviathan is so prideful that they cant admit when theyre wrong. The words they speak pull down rather than build up. Prior to education, she worked in local and national television news for 13 years including positions as an overnight news anchor, reporter, and assignments editor at two local network affiliate stations. Your adversary, the devil, walks around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour. Proud member They are close to one another even the air cannot come between them. Really enjoyed my reading. Website by Graphics Gurl Design Studio, The 12 Characteristics of a Leviathan Spirit, Ancient Ruling Spiritual Prince A Principality, Characteristic #1: The Leviathan Spirit Twists the Truth, Characteristic #2: Leviathan Tasked with Breaking Covenants, Characteristic #3: The Leviathan Spirit Severs Your Relationship with God, Characteristic #4: A Leviathan Spirit is Stiff-Necked, Characteristic #5: The Leviathan Spirit is Hard-Hearted and Cold, Characteristic #6: Leviathan Blocks the Holy Spirit in Your Life, Characteristic #7: Leviathan is Proud, Haughty, and Arrogant, Characteristic #8: The Leviathan Spirit is a Whispering Liar, Characteristic #9: The Contentious Leviathan Spirit, Characteristic #10: Leviathan Lifts up Leaders in Order to Crush Them, Characteristic #11: The Demonic Spirit of Leviathan Brings Depression, Characteristic #12: Leviathan, Master of Blame and Self-Pity, Characteristics of Those Operating in the Spirit of Leviathan. 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